upontheEpiflleof JAM E s. .Vii a:$.r. 21) we love themqua brethren, becaufe o~ that of God which we fe~ in them. - That a faying of Tertulli11.n l'S u[ual, We muft not judg a Non judiea– of faith by pcrfons,but ofperfons by faith. 2. \iVhenWe do not car- m_ru er per[o– ry out the mcafure and proportions ofAjfeflion according to the m5 fi:tn' J;rl meafures and proportions of Grace, and pi~ch our refp~Cls there, C:tU~ .f:~~~. where we finde the ground oflove rnofr ernment: Davtdt delights Wtre to the Saints, and the excellent of the earth, Pf;~. I 6. 3· that is to thofe which were mofr eminent among them. ·Some prefer a~old neutr~l profejfion before real grace, will not own mean Chrifiians by any f:tmiliarity and converfe, though the power and br:ighmefs of Gods Image.lhine forth mofi dearly in them. The Apo[Ue faith, I Cor, I 2. We beftow mofr honour upon the uncomeiy-parts : Thofe who have leafi of worldly p-.>mp and grace, if they excel in Chrifi, fhould have mofi of Chrifiian re(peCl and honour. 3· When We can eajily mak£ gre~ttnefs a cover for bajenefs, and excufe finby honour, .whereas that is the aggravation ; The advantage of greamefs maketh fin the more eminent and notable. ~ris good to note with what freedom the Scriptures fpeak of wicked perfons in the highefi honour: Dan. 4.~8. He giveth ](ingdr;m; tr; ~he ba.(eft of men : TheWorld cannot think.; as bafely of the Children of God, but the rVord "uakph as bafdy of them. b • b The Turkjfh Emt>ire, M ureat M it u (faith Luthcr) ~tu but d. ,r:tr~cum . r o , tm·crzte.,. morfcl, ~htch the !"f_.~t{ter of the houfe throweth to dogs. Davidquar.trun quan· maketh It a defcnpt1on of a godly man, Pjaf. I;. 4 In whoft wme[t,mica eft eyes a vile perfon u contemned, but he honoureth them thAt fear f't.a~ patt~fa· the Lord: Let him be what he will be, if he be a wicked perfo;:, mll~~- catb~ . he is to them avile per{on. How low was that evil King in the pro;wt. ut • eyes of the holy Prophet? 2 King•.3· 14- Were it not that 1 regarded the prefmce of Jeho[baphat the Kin.'!, of Judah, I ·would not look..., towards thee, nor fee thee. 4· When we yetld religious refpeCls, give tdlimonie:s to men for advantage, and, under pretence of H.eligion, fervilly addiCt: our fdves to men for bale cut domfne~ ·ends: This 'fude noteth in that expreffion Jude 16. Having mens tur a_liu priU& perfons in admiration becaufe of adv~mt..1ge. The Apollle fipeak- (crvlt; bcllr• . h f r H · k h h '[c d b f vatu;· u (eqUliJ et o 1ome . ereuc s c at were ot erw1 eprou, , ut yet or ad- ut ho1'1m·e do'!Je• vantagefawning and{er1.1ile: as ufually, None jo bafe..JPirited tU t~tr. Ambrof. the proud are, cWhen !t may m..zkt for their Worldly profit. ~rwas.d J?r Jac~s.on ~bfer,vedof ourlate B1iliops, by d one of their .own party, That m ht$.T;·eaure (thou~ they were otherwife of a proud infulting fpint) they wcreof ,F:u 6th ; p:rt G · · 11· :.. c,:. ·P·•b 7• g \~Mmg '_