Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

Vsas.t. ..tin Expofition, "~Pit~ Notu willing to tAk.§ Ch.;zms curfe upon tl;em, that they might domineer in the Tents of Shem; to be fervi fervorum, Jlaves to greitt-men– fervants ,th<lt thq might bear rt4lt: ovtr the tribe of Levi. Bot to return; This is a clear re!fer:t of perfons, when men keep at a difiance,and are proud to the pMrfervants ofGod, but can crouch, and comply, and do:my thing for profit and adva;tt~ge. ·Twas a brave refolution , that of Elihu, Job 31. u. ! c~e1mot accept An_} mans perfon; I k..,naw nat tfJ give flattering titles. 5. When Church-~dminiffrat'ions are not carryerlon With an itJdijferent and even hand to rich1mdpoor, either by way of exhort.ttion, or cen– fure ; By way of exhortation, Chrift dyed for both, and we muft have a care of both; Exod. 30. 15. The poor and rhh were to give the fame atonement for their Souls: Their Souls were as precious to Chrifr, as thofe that glitter mofi in outward pomp. The Apofile faith, Weare 'Debtors both to the the bond .:~nd free, Rom. I. 14. Chrifr faith to Peter, Feed my Lambs, as well as Feed my Sheep, [oh. 2 I. So for cenfure; Micaiah feared not Ahab, nor John Baptift, Herod ~nd the Pharifees. 'Iwas an excellent commen– dation, that which they gave to Chrifr, Marfz I 2. I 4• Thou carej} for 110 man, and reg4rdeft the perfo;, of no man, but teac-heff · the Wdl) ofGod in truth : Ah,we lliould learn ofour Lord and Mafter ! We are never true MiniH:ers of J efus Chrifi, rill we deal al'ike with eOl?!nia. d~aa perfons rhat are alike in tbemfelves. 6. When We contemn the tantt cxiflz· Truths of Godbecaufe ofthe perfons that bring them to m: e U- ~~n:;rip~';:; fually we regard the man rather then the matt:~, and not the.go~d:.. dixerit rtec tam en treafure fo much as the earthen ve{[el: fwas the preJUdtce lliaionh. . vim cafr upon Chrifi, Is not thi.t the Carpenters [on? We look upon •tqrte vtrtrtterr: the cup rather then the liquor, and confider not What, but wh(} qu~mt dt,ada:er'! bringeth it. f Matheo Lanrri, Archbilliop of St~~ltfbur,.e, told eco~. an 1gm· o. o . tattm, S:~lvta. very one, that the Refermflt~an of the Mafs W.u n~edful, the ltc~mtra Avarit. hert] of meats convenitnt, and to ~e difburthencd of {6 manr com11b•. I. mand.r ofme»,jrif!; but that a poor Monl(.(meaning Lut~er)_{houtd f H1 ift{. of Coll~t· reformall, W.u not to be endured. So in C.hri.fts time the quefiion ce u 'Trent ,+ h b l · · h •~ Ed't L nd • was common, Do any aJ t eRulers e eeve zn hm' ? T us you 1ce. 16;;, pa~·1''r. we are apt to defpife excellent things, becaufe of the defpkable– J. Ecclef,,9 '.~, nefs of the infirument : g The poor man delivered the City ( fai~h 16, Solomon) but he "was forgotten. The fame works have a d1f· ferent acceptation, becaure of the different -efieem and value of ' the perfons engaged in them. Erafrmu obferved, ·That what w.u