CHAP.3. npon the Epiftle of J A M H s. VJi..R 'S. t. h \>\'Maccounud Orthodex in the Fathff's, wa~ ~onder_n~ula~ Here... h compatum tic~zl in Luther. Thus you fee how many ways mrel1gtous matters eft dam11ata t.t we rn2y be guilty of refpect ofperfons. H.eretira i'R_li· V [e. Ohconfider thefe things: •r1s an haiNoUJ evil, and a-Na• bru I:u<hBen, 11 h . k h h . . qtttt zn ertura! evil. We ;tre marve. ous apt to ·t m ; t act er.e ~s no ell?t- nardi, Augunency but what confill:eth m outward greatnefs: Th1s 15 to dtf- fl:inique libru value the members of Chrift; yea, to dif-valueChrift himfe!f: ~~t Ortbod~xa i Ye that de!pi[eth the poor, though they bebllt the common poor, zm.mrJ a'ta ~e· reproacheth their malzer : But to defpife poor Chrifliam that are ~un~ur.ft radm,; · d f G d l , h' h d , · h· h ft m pl • a · agam rcnewe to the Image o o , tnat s tg er; an tts 1g e Card. Mo.. of all when ..t Chriftian cloth defpifeChrifl ian.s : As 'cis far worfe gunr. fi)r aSchollar eo dif-valueSchol/arjhip, or aSoulditr his proftjfion, i Prov, 17, >• then for other men; •Tis no thing fobad in worldly men, that are acquainted with no higher glory. Oh conGder what adiilionour it is to Chrijf, for you to prefer Mammon before him; as if wealth .could·put a greater value upon aperfon thengrace. :1. That l efmChrift u agloriotu Lord: not onely in regard of 06ferv. 2. his tJwn perfon, which is the brightnefs of hu FPZthersglory, Heb. I. 3. Or in regard of his prefent exaltation, whereby he h<4th a name aboveall names, Phi!. 2. 9. Not onely as he enjoyeth it i11 himfelf, but tU he di fj enf eth it to others; He will give you as muchglory as your hearrs can with for : He puttech an honour uponyou for theprefem; You may be fure you iliall-not be difgraced by him, either inyour hop; ; •cisfuch~-u foal/ not ma~eyou tt/hamed, Rom. 5. 5. falfe worili ippers may be ailiamed, askBaal's were k 1 King. xS. of their trufi in their god: Or of y our enjoy ments; you are made comely in hucomeline(s, E~e~ 16. 1-1-. and the Church is called thefai~·e/l among Women, Cant. 5. 9· Or of your fervice ; your Work_ IS an ornament to you: God himfelf u gloriotu in Holinefs, Exod. 15. II. But for the future youwill always finde him ~~t Lord of gfGrJ j -fometimes in thiS WOrld, after you have been :l long tftne bedouded under difgrace, reproach and fuffi~ ring. When hair is iliaven, it comc:ch the thicker, and with a new eucreafe: (o when the razor of cenfure hath made your heads bare, and brought on the baldnefs of reproach, be not difcouraged ; God bath a time to bri14gfo,·thyour righte'oufncfs M the no'!ln-day, Pj'al. 37· 6. By an :tpparant conviction to dazle aod difcourage your adverfaries. The world was well changed whenConftamine ki{fed the hollow of P~tphnHtiiU his eye, that was erewhile put out for Chrifi. Scorn Gg .~ is