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228 VE-ll s.t. An Expo{it;o,, with Notes CHAp.z. is but a little cloud that is foon blown over: But if Chrifi do not caufe your Enemies to bow to you, yet he will give you honour– among his people; for he hath promifed 1 to honour thofe that l2. Sam. 2. 30 hono1tr him: and he is able to do ir, for the hearts of all men are in his hands, and he can difpofe of their refpeCl:s nt pleafure : That femence of Solomon inti~ateth, that God is refolved upon it; A · man [ha// be commend"d according to hu wi(dom, Prov. 12. 8. J But however, fuppofe all thrs were not; in the next world you m (Jh 17· 11 , !ball be fure to finde Chriil: aLord of G/or;, m when he cometh 2.-4. to put the fame glory upon the Saints, which the Father hath put upon himfdf: In that day (as the Apofile faith) he Will be glori– fied iu hu SaiHtJ, and admired in all them that heleeve, 2 The{[. 1. I o. ~nsa notable expreffion; not onely admired in himfelf, but i.v hu Saints; as if he accounted thefocialglory, which refulc– eth to his perfon from the glory of his chtldren, a greater honor to him,then his ownperfonalglor;. Well then; Look to your thoughts of Chrifi: How do you confider him ? as a Lord of glory ! The Apo!Ue faith, To them th~tt heleeve Chrift u preciou.1, I Pet. 2·7· In the the Original, 7tp.~, an honour ; They account no honour like the honour of having relation to Chrit1. You will know this difpoficion by two Notes: I. All Qther excellencies Will he M no- -thing: Birth, an Hebrew of the Hebre'P'J; Dignity, a Pharifee; Moral accompli(hments, touching the Law blamelefs : Beauty and efieem in the world, If any m~tn might have confidmce in thejle/b, 1much more; yet I count aiL things but dung,and lofs,for the ex– cellency of tht k_n .;wledg of Christ, Phi!. 3· 8. 2. All other ttbt~. fures Wilt be nothing: Ta7fHve-, the brother of bafe degree, may count his bafenefs for Chrifl: apreferment ; let him rejoyce in thiLt he u exalted, Jam. I. 9. So of Mofn, ' cis faid, he efleemed the reproaches of Chrift better treafures then the riches of &gypt, _ Hebr. I I. 26. M1rl<, he did nor onely endure the reproache.: of - Chrift, but counted them treafura, to be reckone:d amo11g his honours and chings of value. So Thuanm reporceth of Ludovicm C & Marfacm, a Knight of France, when he was led withother Marn u; l10it h b d · h d · db c h' meq!loq , to,.que tyrs, t at ~ere oun Wlt coar s, to executron, an e 10r IS donM) & tn/ dignity was not bound, he cryed, n Give me my chain.~ too; let fi~nu hu_jrl6 ur• me he a Knight of the fame Order. Certainly ~cis an honour to be ~I1Jts ,mTtlhtttm vile for God, 2 Sam. 6. 22. To agracious fpirit nothing is bafe, but trta~. Uan rd . r: • D;r, • r.lf. . h bl L~ ~ • Hifr. · nn, an tergtver1atton ; t;grace lt 1t lS Ol1QUra e, wucn .CIS UJdpre~ for the Lo~dofglorJ. 3· Thofe