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CHAP.2. l#pon the Epifl/e of J A M !i 5. 219 3• Thofe that count Chrift_ glortom, ~illaccol#nt Chriftillnity Obftr'll. 3 • and Faith gloriout. The Apofrle maketh 1t an argument here, The faith ofour Lord {efm Chrifl, the Lord of glory. He that prizeth the perfon of Chrift, prizetft all hu relatives: As among men, when we loveaman, we lov~,~is piClure, and whatfoever bath re~ lacion to him. Grace is but a ray, a derived excellency from Chrift. AChrifiian is much knownby his elleem : What then do you account moll excellent in your fdves, or others? I. l11 your {elves ; what is your greatell honour and treafure ! What would you defire for your {elves, or others? What would you -part with-firll .? Theodojim valued his (hriffianity above his Empire. LHther faid 1 he had rather be Chriftianm r.1¥fticm, then Ethnicm Alexander; aChri/l-iarJ Clown, then aPagan Emperor. 2. In others; Who are mofi precious with you? thofe in whom you fee moll of the Image ofChrifi ?We ufe to honour the fervants ofglorious Kings ; Prov. 12. 26. The righteom u more excellent then ht6 1teighbor: · · ' Who is the beH: neighbor to you ? thofe that fear God ? and do you like them bell, when their conferences are mofi religious ? You flull fee this indefinite Proverb is refirained by another, Prov.19. I. where Solomon imimateth, that the righteous poor man is better then his rich neighbor ; there indeed i-s the tryal : Communion with holy and gracious fpirits is far better then the countenance and refpeCls of agreat man to you. Oh do not defpife thofe Jewels of Chrifi that lie in the dirt and dunghil. Davidcould fee filvcr wings in thofe Doves that had l.t]14 flmong the p~ts. Ver{e 2. For if there come into .)fJUr A./[emhly a man With a gold ring, in goodly apparel, and there come in al(o a p<~or man in vile raymmt : Verf. 3• And you hAve ref}e£1 to him that Weareth the g111 · clothing, and fay to him, Sit thou here in a .geod place; and /P~J to the poor, Stana thoN there, or fit · under my footftoo/: Verf. 4· Are ye not the11 partial in JONr felvn? and.become·. judges of evil tho11ghts.? I have put all thefe Verfes together, becaufe they make but one , cntir~ fentence: :rhe Apoftle proveth how .guilty they were of ? Gg 3 this