An E.xpojtion., 'WithNotes _ '_- p c - thisevil, from whence be diffwadeth them, by an urualpract:iceof o er o<tZve~ - h . . h . E 1G. f1.. 1 C . tltm fismifican t etrs, m t etr cc e1amca. onventtons. _ t11r cretus feu If there come i;ttoyour AJ{emb!y] The word in the Original is cong~egatioms Ei~ (TwJ!t'}'&~ynv, intoyour s_ynagoguc; By which fome underfiand publ&_c.e P•~6 fatheir Chrifiittn A f[embly for worfoip: but that is not fo probabl~ • n.e m qm us h ·n:- ~ bl · , con'v,niebant becaure the C naJan Auem y ts no where, that I can remember, chriftiarJi ut exprelfedby ~wJ!tyre~yH, SynJilgogue, but by 'Ex.x.Ma-L:t., Church; ju{ii6 legibus and in the Church-meeting there may be, without fin, feveral fears & a~bitru du- and places appointed for men of feveral ranks and dignities in the P mel~te.cas vel world: and 'cisa mifiake to apply the cenfure of the Apo!Ue to o e uas com- r. t. .a.· 0 h 1 · r · munefque lites 1UC1, ~ prauJCe. 0 ·~ ~rs ap_p y tt to any common -:--o~ventton and dirimerent. Meetmg for the dectdmg of Controverfies , efiabldhtng of pub– ··Hcvar. in lac. lique Order, and difpofing of the Offices of the Church; and P Nee fan[, . by Synagogue they underfrand the C!mrt where they judged all · ;;~:nt;n7a:~u~ Caufes belonging to themfelves. P Auffin (eemeth to incline to c~ !eveeffepec- this fence for onepart of it, namely, for~meeting eo di fpo~e of all catum inpnfo_- Offices that belonged tothe Church, wbtch were not to be tmrufr– ?Jamm accepll- ed to men, according to their outwdrdquality, but inward accom– odnehabdere _fi: plijhments; there being the fame abufe in faihion in the primitive em omm~ · h' h · f-h hb fc d h nr!fl,.i re[achri- ttmes, w IC , toour grte , at een oun among Ui; .• t at men jti , fi illam were chofen and called to Office, out ofa refpea: to thetr·Worldly dijla1Jti.wz fc- . luftre, rather then their fPiritual cnd9wments; ami the gold ri;zg dendt ac fiandl was preferred before the rich faith : A praCl:ice wholy unconfoad honoies E.c.. . I Ch ·n.· R l' . d . h h d' r. [: . f h r clcfi"flios re- nant Wit 1 flLLtan e 1g1on, an Wit t e 11pen at1on o t ote f eram us~ qrm times ; God himfelf having immediately called Filbermen , and ti~im {erat etig) ·perfons otherwife defpicable, certainly of little note and remark dtvltem tt~ fi.· in the world, to the highefi Offices and imployments in the Church. "'1 e~honomt Ec- If we take the words in this refiraim:d fence, for aCourt or M ectc c 1t.e,crra e1~p- · d·r. r. f E l fi fl. • 1Offi d F .a.· h C t(l prmpcre in. mg, to 11pole o cc e tame~ ces an unu~ons, t ~ on- {lr~tCliore atque text may be accommodated wtth a very proper fence ; for accord- . f anf!turc ~ Atlg. ing to their Offices, fo ~ad they places in all Church-meetings : and Epdlp. 29fl·d _. therefore the Apofile Pa.ul ufeth that phrafe, H e that occupieth q r.e 1 Ci$• 1 f h I d f' • · · h 0 · . . pro!Jati qrtique tr;e room o., t eun carne , I L or. I 4·. 16. or, as os 111 t e rtgt-. {elii~res hon(J" nal, To?rov .'iJ,cJn, the plac~ of the pr,tvate perfon. q The Elders rem_ . ;flum t1o;1 they fat by rhemfelves, then others that were more learned, then _ p;eti~ fed tcflt- the Ignorants; the Church herem following thecufiomof theSyn– i~~~:ut~1ef:· agogue , which (as the r Author of the Cot.oment upon theE~ Ap~l. r Sy;tag ,g;e fr'aditio eft ttt fedmtts di[putent, {eniores dignitate in cat.hrdris, [tqr.eot• tes m [ubftliiis _, 71r;T.Jijflmi i n tavimmro[uper mattas. Ambrof, if.l prinum ad Cor. · pilll~