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CHAP.2. upontheEpiflleofJ A M l . s. VBRS,2,3A• 2jl pifiles, that goeth under th~ nimeof Ambrufe, ,obfervec'h) was wont tQ pla£e the Elders inChairs, ·the next in rank on Benches, the Novices at their feet on Mats; and thence came the phrafe of fit· at the feet of any one for a Dif~iple, as ~ds faid, Paul was ln·ought up at the feet ofGamaliel. ~nd for the w~men,. Grotim . teHeth us, f That the firfi place wasgiVen to the Wtdows of one r !~. man then to the Virgins then to the Matrons. Now . becaufe er~s .vedues .um· ' ' 11 f d ' · vzns p1uxzmu1 they affigned thefeplaces .prtpofier~uuy, out o a regar ~f wealth virgi;lib·ts, ae.. rather thengrace, and fatd to the r1ch, fit thou here, K.a""'~' honor- inde matro11is. llb/y, and to the poor, however qualified, ftand thou there, er fit Grot. in loc. at my feet, the place ofleamers and Idiots; the Apofile doth with fuch feverity tax the Abure, to wit, their carnal partiality in ~il.lributing the honours of the Church. Thus you fee the Context will go on fmoothly. But I mull: not limit the Text eo this one ufe of the Court or Synagog.ue : And therefore if we tak~ in the other ufes of deciding all canfe:s-and differe~ces between the Members of the Church,&c. every pa!Iage in the Co~text will have its full light and explication; for the Apofile fpeaketh of judging 1 and of fuch rdject of p~rflms as is condemned by the Law,.Verf. 9· which is an accepting of perfo;u in judgment, Levit. 19. ) • And thertfore I Hnderfiand rhis Synagogue of an Affembly met to do J ufiic~ ; in which tho'ught I am confirmed by the judgment and reaCons of a t He~hert t late learned Writer who proverb that it was the falhiori of the Thtifltdi~C in Jews to keep Court fn their SynagogHes; and thereFore do we fo 1 R 1i~ blookfoftlhle ft d h r h r h Th 1 r; tg 1t o t e o en rea t ote p rates, Matt • 1 o. 17. ey jha1~ J courge you Church in a sn their Synagogues. .AEI. 22. 19• Beaten in every Synagogue. Chri!lian . ".Afl.z6.II. I punijheJ them in every Synagogue; becaufe (as he !late, printed "faith) Where Sentence w,ugiven, there yuj}icc WM exe~uted ~ a~ Loretu-q, "anditsprobable, that,beingwnvertedto Chrifrianity, theyfiill \:9· 8 ee held the fame courfe :: And it~ very notable which be quoterh ant P t.' 3 ) 39 • ·"of Maimonides his Sanedrim, Cap. 21.- That it u o:prefly pru- " vided 6y the Jews Conflitutions, that Vvhm a poor man and a "rich plead together, the rich foal/ not be bidden to fit down, and "the pogrftand, 9r fit itJ a worfe place; bttt 6oth {it, or both ftand. Which is a circumfiance that bath a clear refpeCl: to the phrafes ufe'd by the~pofile here; and the rather to be·noted, becaufe our Apo~ file wrtteth to the twelve tribes, Hebrews by Nation, with whom thefe cufioms were familiar, and of known ufe. So that out ofall we may collett, That the Synagogue, here fpoken of, is not the Church