Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

. upo11 the Epiflle of J A M B s. - thofe that ttood.upon their defence·; as P[a.I 3o.3. 'lfthoufoouldft 1J'Jltr/z. what u done, 'rflho can Jfand? that is, in Curia, in Court, as tbofe that make abold defence. So Ephef. 6. I 3• Tak!; the a11mflr of_God, that JPU rpt~.y bt ab.le_ to Withfland in the evil day, 'M!d . all, to fland. ,; th~t is, before G?ds .Tribunal :' ~cis ah aUul1on eo the pofiure of men mCourts. Thts d1fferent re– fpea: of poor and rich bringeth to my minde apaifage of Ber– nard, who when he chanced to efpy apoor man meanly apparelled, he would fay to himfdf, Truly 'Bernard, thu manWith more pa.. · tience bet4reth·hu crofs, then theu: '"But if he faw a rich man dtli– cately clothed, then he would ·fay, Jrmaj Ge that.thu m~n ; under '; hi& delicate clothiltg , hatha better Sot4i · then thou haft ~tndtr th] .religious habit: An excellent Charity ! and a far better practice then theirs in the Texr, who fa id to him in the goodly rayment,ftt , to the poor, jl.usd; To the rich they 2ffigned 11 good place, but ' to the·poor the roomundtr thefootffoo!. , Are ye not partial iny~J~.r[elves f J This claufe is [ev~rally ren· ' dered, becaufe of the different fignifications of the word J':tJ..x.v. 91iTs. Sollle turn it without an interrogation, thus, Ye \\•ere not judged inyour[elv es, b~tt &c. As if the fence were, Though they were not jadged themfelves, yet they judge<i others by rhefe inevident figns: But 'cis better with an interrogation: And yet then there are.differem readings. Some thu~t, /ire ye not crmdem ~.ed in your fe fves? that is, Do not your own Conf£iences fall upon you? G:r~· tainly the Apqfile applicth the fact to their ·Confciooces br ·this vehement and rouzing qudlioo : But I t~ink J'tt:t~ti.t.8'ii.'T~ mufr not be here rendre9, condemned. Others thus, Have ye not doubt t d, · or quef#qntdthe matter 'inyour {elves? for that•s another fence of the word in the Text: But: here it feemeth moO: had.h and in~ · cungruous. 1\t~orh~r. fenG:e of the,word is, to makeadiffl!rence.; 1 fo · ' •cis 9fren takep, J'saxe.tvb{JJ.{Jut; ma.~il4g a di lfc!'"ence : 'fude n~ ~J'~v . J'IS)(.VVI!, He put no drfference : A fjf . 15. 9. it may be fidy ' rendred here, Haveye tzot made a difference ? that is, an unjufr · difference, om of carnal affe~io~,.rather then any true judgmenc : And ther~fore,Jor D1ore,perfptcl:ltuy, we explain, rather then i"!ter.. · pret, ~hen\V~rrende~, /:Ire ye not ·partial? ' fis an appeal .eo their Confcten~(·s, mmakmg fucq ·a difference~ Are ye not counter-· poyf~d With perverfe refpeels? Man; times \\le may k!zow the q~<~~titty of rm Auion by the vtrdifl of Confcience.; Is not this par- . H h tialiry ?