Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

' An Expofition 2 with }lutes c~ tiality ?- DoEh not Confcience ·tell you, ~cis making a diffn..ence which God never J]lade ?JSins dire~lly difproportionable to our profdlion, are againil: Confciem:e, and in fucb practices the heart~& divi,ded; The~.e are fome dif-allowing thoughts, wlr~ch menfirive rofmot~r. ' ' •' '• I .r ' ··, j A~d be~ome. judges ofevil thou,~:hts ? J From the runnirig of the words in _our TranOation., I .lhould- have gue!fed the fence to be this; That by thefe outward.appearances of tm.'annefs and greac– nefs in the wa.rld, they judged·of mens hearts ; here ex- • . . . . preiled -by what is ·moft tranfient :ind iFJwani in the heart, the Gcn!l zvz:j h:_c thoughts: But this xen~ hct.M)'l~Tlll:tv • ?l'oJ!If~@v, *is i:obe taken in ~;;; :!/r .~b~J~~~, quite another fence ; the meaning is , You altogethfr judg ·per- " ) I /t t . a d' h 1 f h b d • G rr>r. veniy, accor mg tot erue o your owncorruptt oug tsan mfJ!J/erv . J:, tentioP.s. Their eft r.emand their tnd.s were not righr, but pcrvert– e-ci by carnal affetlions ~ They efieemed outward pomp above fpi– ritual graces, which was contrary to Reafon and· Religion; and they propofed to themfelves other ends, then men fhould do, in acts of choyce, and Judicature : They had mens perfons in admira– tion, becaufe of adnt;ltage; and did not weigh fo much.themerits of the caufe, as the co;Jdttitmoftheperfonscontending. · From thefe Verfes_, befides the things touched in the.Explication, you.may obferve, · J. That men are marvellom apt to honor worldly g;reatnefs : To a carnal eye notbimg elfe is glorious. A corrupt judgment tainteth the praCtice. AChilde of GG>d m1y. be guihy ot muth.worldlimfs, hut he hath- not a worldly judgment. Da'Yids hean went afiray; but his judgment being right, that brought him about again; Pj'al. 73· compare the whole PfalmwiththelaftVerfe, ~Tu goodf'o'l' me tg draw nigh to God. Mofes his uprightnefs and- love to tbe· people of God was from -his e/feem , Hebr. 11. 26\ EffeemJng the' ~eproach of Chrifl~ &c. Wher1men. have a righ~ efieem,: tha-t will make them prize Rel1gion, though lhrouded under poor fony weeds.: But when their judgments and conceits are pre-polfeffed1 and occupied, wic-h ca.rnal principles, nothing feemeth lovely but greatnefB; andex4/ted \'l'ick:edncfo•hath more of their refpeB::,then– opprej{edgrac-e. _But you will fay, ·May we not thew hommr and· · ~fped to men gr~at in the wor.ld, if th5'y are wi<:ked R · I anfwer, There is a reCpetl due eo.the rich, though wicked ; but ifit be ·accompa.nied·with a coDtempt of the mean fervams of God, J! >t!S.