CHAP.%. •cis fuch a partialityasdoth not become grace. ;.More particularly~ that you m~y ·not rmi'flake ·inyour.refpects towicked men, t~ke a Diredion or two: r. Gr~at men m the world mufi have .retpeel: due to th~ir places, but the godly mull ·haveyom converfe and fa.J rniliariW; My delight i&_. in the c·xce/1ent of the ea1·th, Pfal. I 6. 3~ A Chrifiian cannot 'delight in the:'conve~(e of a wicked 1nan,J fo as he can in the Chiltlren of God; beGdes rhat, the objeCt in the eye of grace bath more lovelinefs; there is the dvant~ge of tweet counfels, and fpiritual communion ; Comforted by . the mutual faith of youandme, Rom. I. I z. z. Yqu muO: _be fure nqt to b~ afhamed of the meanefi Chrifl:ians, to ,vouchfafe all due .refpeels tb them: OnejimtUwas ame3n; yet, When convened', 'Faut counted him above a fervant ;·tU 'a Grot'bcr, phi/em•. I 6. So the Meffengersof the Churches are called* theglory ofChrijl, futh as * ,. Cor,8 :. J. Chrifi will boafi of: Chrifi is albamed of noneJ but thofe that are athamed·of him; •"Ti~ gldry'enough in rhe'~y~ cf:Ch~iif:u1d grace', that theyJare '·&oly.: ~· ' ruu mull•c\vH ffieru fbr~rdHren :itJ the1t greateR·abafares andafHifrions; hsMofei did the' ~ople ·~or deft{, Hebr. 1 I. z5. 4· Be fure ro drive on nocfe lf.:.deftgn"in your . refpeds ; be not fwaye;:d .by .a corttpt aimat·adv'antage: · iRis w'ill make·us t~ke £gjpt1:an! fr;!il}r!ell tt!'} trld' pc \ierO~ 'C~ 6\.\{t r efiem\. -: n_·chitf'ly eo~c±}11Frl1)v1~ill~r? ~~l~i~~ ;rH~~~~~~~.:fh-1 may not;gm~d-:tpotlhtar~, 'aHd·~o!ri~Iy tv~c~~-d ~h'e,tr:t3R ~e,rr ~wn_ gam and advantage: •Tts·'\i Ciettrrr,ttOT1 ·of falfe feat:he'r~, i"Pct. ·z. 3· Thr~eii,h' Covtiuu(n~fs tli~y /iJa'll~ \\?ii~IJ.4gnid t~oJd{, maize Mercha111dtu of yan :t ThJ y.a.poly thm1fdv>~ r&l?J:tq~ ''among.whom' t~e~ :rttayAri~(otltht:Hide beft ·;; Rcit.fcf~0S~z1fJ, but ~o dielr-ic~;:amfFootH n1·H!fhn ,\~lrete rh~e}s ~J~lt!tn~\ ~.o;t wherem<1S1 grace : Ho[. 7· 1·· They made t+e, Rul;r.;_'j;'lad ·V;tt'h their fJ n ' ) ·' '- · - ' • · .; · · · · z., _Fro~ t_h~t [)4re J.'e ~~t par~,i·zt ?·~ }1,eu,rae~fl.;t~t1~ wifl\f o6{erv. 2. ·qudhon7·-. 't~. lJr~ttg:..rtJ,!r'b a' fe'~fe, ~'y; !~hyngr'-''"t~.~~~- tJ, ~}#iJ~IJ..{·. onrt~ ~r .-~pnfc:~1c!s· ;:,~(~bt~'f~· '¥ ~e-~b~~~lfret~t~u~.~.p our own So~llso. S SoHlo'q~~s~&¥,difcourfe~ Wich y. pttf~leW~~ ~re:~of excellent ~d·:~nt~ge ~ ~P']rll.r4 4~ CornmuntwifiJJful:~~-7!~hfttr11, and .be ft:tt. _~!%~1-hard· ~a~ter. ~o ?~I'ng ati}art afl.~· nlrf!~lCrog~- t .hert .to ge~.~~ r~ .~~ak a,~dt~~·ton·anfd~ · Tl1er~a ~fii~~~}· .th~t hv.~1rrthew<:?ttd rot~·tobg ttm~; Y-bthe·iligrty ot' fifty years;ana:111 .tlu~· while they tantror 'be brbughc eo converfe With.. tHeir own H h z · hearts.