Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

An Expo(it;o~e, withNotes hearts. This queHiopingof Co~fcience will b~ oF ufe 'to you in Humiliation, Faith, and Obe~ience. I. In your hHmbling w:rk._ : There are feveral quefiions that buunefs; as in the exami– nation of your efiate, when you bring your ways and the Com– mandment together, which is the firfi rife of Humiliation: You'l ~nde the Soul moll_awakened by asking ofqyefiions; Oh, Wbat have I done? [er. 8. 6. Do I walk according to the tenor of this holy Law?. Can I fay, My huzrt is clean.? Then there is a fecond quefiion ; ..When guilt is found out concerning the rigor of the Law, and.theJurenef~ of wrath, every_violation is death: Wi!l Godbepartial for thy fflke ~ If is je~loufie .fM/1fmok..e qgai.,ft !hat m4_n that faith, ~fh;~/1 have.peace, though I walk..,in the );Vay of · .mi;u own heart, Deut.29. 19. Then there are otherquefiions about _the dr~adfuli1efs o( wrath; .t:~e~12 :14· Can my heart endure,and my hands be made firong, in the days that Gocllball deal with me? Shall I be abl~ to be~r up, ~under torrpe~ts wic~out ~eafure,:md .without!end? ·,fan I d,\Y,ell with th<?fe d.ev~ripg burnings ? l'~e.~ there is ·a f~:mrdi quefti<im, after a wa.y of ~fcape'; foal/ I do to inherit EtcrtMJ .Life? A[f_. 19. >o· Or, as 'tis in t~e Prppher, Wherewith fo(d/ I come hefore God? Mica. 6. 8. With what .re- .cp.mi?~nc~~all I 1 appeafe hi$ angry Jufl:ice? Th~syou fee the whol€ oqfin~fs{)( J6lp\TI~li~~io~ ~S prrye~~ on;i~ thele int5Y\oga.tive .f~r!DS • .2. F~r_rl\ework ot Fauh ; the~e qu~fi10ns an= , fer~Iceable ,;_Partly ·iv qutc~entl1eSoul to the confiaeratton of the offer of God.;. as when toe Apofile had difputed of free Jufiification, he enf_orceth all Qj a.qnefiion, wha,t jha/l ,"}c ~ben .fay to tbe:.fe things! Rom~ 8. 3l~ .Soul> what canfi thou obJeCt and urge agamfi fo r.ic~ mercies? .P.tiut, ~ll~.~he: ~bile .before, . h'ad , been bpt drawin~ the bow, npw he letteth fly the arrow, What jhtP./1 Wt fay ? Partly becaufe it maketh us more fenfible of the danger of not beleeving ;. Hebr. ~2· 3· How· foa/1 ~e ejc-ape, if we negleE! fo great Salvatirm! If} ~eglftl G~ds recon_d _Offer,. what ~ijlbecome of me.? T~us ."'c~ liel.p to t,he· .. 3• In the work., ofObedience .t~ere1 que1tioiis are .(erviceabk; as wh~na temptation is like to c~rry it iti t.hc'Soul, ' cis good to,mme inwi€h a fmart .quefrioo ; ~Gp;~f. 3,9· 9· How_ can 1 do th~ ~it:k!d~efs, a1:1d /in at~Ji~fl God! . . ~~- ~f t~e :;h~~r_c ~;1~ <?n h~av!l.t 1~ . du~~c~ ~,>f cVfq,rflnp; Offer ~~ · 1JfJ.W ·to the Governor; Woftl~ httt#.cept;t at my. ~ands ? Malach~ · 1}$ .. wciui:d ·1 'do .ch'us to.sapl e~ttbly ; Ptinc~ 1q an' earthly ·m~.t~ , , - • l , ', ' .. . .l - • - - • . ,.,.r ), - • t 1.. ~·'!;' • 4 $.