· CHA'P .2. , tlpon the EpiH!e of JAM B s. ter ? Thus you fee quefiions are of "fingula_r ·. ufe· in every ~ . part of the holy Life : Be more :frt?CJumt ·~ them ·; and in every matter take o~cafton to d~fcourfe wuh your own Souls. · . , 3· From chat [Judges of evil thoughts?] 8vils hegin ftrfl in O~ftrv. 3· the -thoruhts : Matth. . I 5· 19. Out of the ·heart proceed evil ·thoughts~ that's in ·the fronc of that black Roll : Affeaions pervert the thoughts, and thoughts fiain the ju~gmenc. Therefore when God would e:xprefs the wickednefs of the old world, he faith, The im~tgivation of their thoughts Were evil, fl,enef. 6. 3• ·The reafon of Atheifm is~Blafphemy in the thoughts: Pfal. I o. 4· ~./{their thoughts a'¥'e, th~tt there uno God•.The reafon ofworld~ linefs is fome wretched thought that's hidden in the bofom: Pf~l. ·49• I I, Their inward thought u, that their houfes foa/1 co;ztinue for ever. You fee ~~~n there is ~eafon why you ffiould go to God to.cleanfe your fp1rtt from cvd thoughts; why you O:rould be ·hlimbledunder them; why you lbould watch againft them. Jfai·. 55· 7· Let the witk._r:d m_nnforfak.! hu \t>tty, aKJd the unrighteom manhu thoughts, And return UI'JtO the Lord : Mark, not onely hi<f ~ w~ty, but his thot~ghtJ. Ttace every corrupt dc:ftre, every inordinate practice, till yon come up to fome .iNward 11nd bsddcn thought. ·There are 'implicit~ thoughts, 'and thoughts explicite: Explicite are thofe that are imprefied upon the Confcience, ai1d are more fen• fible. · lmplicite are thofe which the Scripture calleth hidden thoughts, and therayings of the heart : Though the defires, purpofes, aCtions, are according to them, yet we do not fo fenftbly difcern thexp; for they are fo odious, that they come leafi in fight. Many fu~h there are; as this was the hidden thought im.. plyed in the Text , That Wealth is to he preferred before Grace ; and that made them judg fo pervedly. ..Tis good therefore . to· wait upon the Word, which difoover.et.h the thoughts ana·intents of the hetf.r'tt, Eeb. 4· I z. that apon every experience you may refer things to their proper head and caufe : "Sure there hath been .e vile thougM in me, That there is' no "God; ·r~tltt the World is for ever; Tbat Riches ~tre hettet then '' Gr~tce; Thott the ple~tfnres of fin are better then the hopes of ''life,.&c. ~ris good 'to interpret ·everyaelion, ,anc\..to .cbfetve the l:lnguage that is couched in it: Your lives dobut fpeak oui: ;hefe thoughts. · · · · · ' Hh. 3· ~"Z~k11!- .