.11" .Expojition, \\'ithNotes - -------- - ~ Objcrv. 4• ~ ,Tb11t thu-i;f..~n rv,l tho~ght..,. th.;~t men ~re t;be v'tllu~d by tfm.r out"'~trd exof/lenq : ~T1s ag:uofl: tbe Defjen{ation of God'. who pq~tc:-th til~ greacefr glory upon thofe that are of leafi accoun~ and eil:eerri in the world: ~ris againfl: theNature ofGrace, whofe gtorr. .is <POt fenfil:>le, .obvious to th~ renfes, bu.t ~nwa;d ~nd hidden '; ffo ·4~. I 3· The Kzngs Daught er u aJl g!orzom Wsthm: A.Chri– ftit\ns in(ide is bdl:; ·all theworlds glory is inlhew, fancy, and ap– pearance: e.A"grippa and Bernice came withgreat pomp, Act. z;. - ~3. !'$ ?foMv~ ~(IJ'7cr.~IM, with mHch jhew, and fancy. Painted thing~ have agreater lhew with th~m then real. N az:.ian_~en .f~it~, ':fhe-J1qr/d i.rHdena without, ~n4 , H~.nb~ within. ·: There i~ no:. .thing·an(wer.able to the appear~nce ; 'but, now grace js under l4 yall, it dothmt~t?Pear \\1hat We fha/1 be; J-[oh: 3· ·2. Thus CaNt. 1. 6. the Church is {aid tobe black_, but comely_.; full o~ fpiritual beaa~ .ty, though outwardly wretched, ami deformed with afHi~ions. whith isdler>eexpreffe~ by twoftmjlitpdes, like the Tents of._Ke,; df!.r, and t-he 'Curt4in.s pf So/pm_on: The .Tents qf_Kedar; Th~ A1:tJbians.lived in Ten~s, whichwere but homely and fiender, in comp..arifon of City/ buildings; obfcure ,Huts, fulliedand blacke~ with the weather, but: rich within, and full ofcolllyutenfils; there.. fore we hear of the glory of J(edar, Ifai. 2Id6. And Solomp_ns Curtain; may.poffibly figuifie the fame thing. lofophus fait~}, Su– lormmhad Babyloni~n Curta·ins, ofabafer fiuff and work, to hide the curious Imagery tl1at was carved on theMuble walls. The ;greatefi glory is within the vail: The hidde14 ma~ of the heart is .an orname~t of grea.P price, I Pet. 3· 4· And as 'cis againfi the Nature of <]race, [o 'tis agaiofl: all right Rettjon; we do riot ufe to judg fQ ii1 ot;her cafes : We do not prize an horfe for the gau_dry of his Saddle and Trappings, but for his firength and fwifmefs. That Painter was laaghed ar, who becaufe he could not drawHe/c.. na f4ir~ he drew her rich. We do oot therdor~ ju<Jg it a.good Sword, beeaufdt ha:tb.a golden B~lt. Well then,. If it be againfl: Pra7.Jid:n.c.e~. ~d flollac.e; and R_eafon, go py awi(er ,rule, ·in valU:– ing: things and per/ons~ then outward excellency : Do [.'Jot thiak • John 7. 4S. that * faith befl:, which tbe Rp/o: profe!feth ; nor tho(e perfons befl: that glitter moft withworldly luih:e: ·Chrifi comethoften ;, adifg!4i{e t<ins, as well as the Jews; to us in his poor members. · . ) ' ' .J # ..) .:.. :J .. 1. • i ... ' .. . - . Verfe