CH.&P.~· upon theEpifUe of J A ·M! s. Verfe 5·· Hark!n, mz he~oved Bre~hr~n, f!•thnfJt q~tl chtl{ttt the poor of thu World, rzch ~>n[41th, ana HetrJ of tb~ Kingdom; 'Which he hflthpromifed .to the'ffJ. that-ldVe him? · ,. In this Verfe the Apofile urgeth another Argument againfl """' !peEl of perfons : You will eefpife thofewho.m God, outof his wife ordinacion, bathcalled to the greateft honour : He· infianceth in a three-fold dignity, which t~e ~ord ~uttethupon ~he godly poor; they are eleEled of Gt~d, r1ch tn Fasth, and Hesrs df the Kingdom. , Hark!n,' my beloved Brethren,] He exciteth their attention, an~ f.l:ill giveth them the toving compellation, which he had former– lyufed. · In all grave and weighty matters- ·~is ufual, in the S:crip-· ture, to prefaee andtpremi.fe foll1e craving of am~ntion; He that bathan eat-- to he~tr, let him hear, Matth. I 3· 9· So· Jarms, in ' the Councel of 1 erufalem ' A a. I 5 I I-3. M en and· Brethrm, . hark.;n u11to me : Here the Apoftle ufeth rhis preface, pardy eo f.l:ir themop to conlida the ;Di(penfation proper to that Age. So 1 Cor.. r. 26. Beho/J yoHr calling, brdhrm, not mPZnJ Wife,- not mrmf mighty,&c. that is, feFioully <tonfidet the manner of 6oos eaKing in thefe times-. Panly li>ecaufe he is aboat to urge· wwatm Atgu– ment againf.l: the perverfenefs of their refpeCls: And 'When the· mlf:t~ ter con:cerneth.our cafe, it ca!leJh for ou-r beft ~ttt--ention. · Bath not God chofen J That is, by the fpeci<at de~gnmeAt :et; grace he lla~h·fingle-efoul! the liOor to~e heirs·oflife: yoa willfiride it fo at:wayS>, for the mofi part: ; bat in thofe times efpecially : Pare~ ly to confpte the pride of great perfons ) as if God tbould retpetf. them-for uheir outwarddignity.The firfichoyce thatGod'mad'e il'l the world·,was ofpoer ~~n; and tfierefore do we fo-ofren re~d,fhat thc-< jt;tJr'receivetithe Gof/let; not only the p.oor in [pirit,bur thepoop in purfe : God chofe Fifhermen to preach the GQ(pel, and poor p€r-– fons to receive it : few were won, that were of any rank andqim-... lity .in the world. And partly that w.e might not th!nk tha~ wonderful iflcr~are and fljrea'i.dif!g of the Gofpet to come' to pafs by the 1 • s \ a?vantage of h~ane ~bwer, fldhly aycl's, ~B'd props ; brit by the · VIrtue of. the D'tvme Gl'ac@. _ . The-poorofthU."Wqr/J,] That is, in regar.dof outward'enjoyments~.