Ob/erv. 1. ments: 1 Tim. 6. I 7• there he fpeaketh of the rtch of thu \vorld: There is another world that hath its riches; but thty that ha·ve efiate there, are ufually poor and ~e(picabl~. T?e ~~s ar€ defcri– bed to be thofe that have·no~ thezr hopenn fb.¥ Wqrld, I Cor. 15. 19. or, poor in-this World: that is, In the. opinion ·of the prefent world they are vile and abject · . Rich'in Faith,] So they may be faid to be two \Vays.: Either'in regard of high meafurfs 1 and raifed degrees of Faith; as A6raham was faid to be ftrong in Faith, Rom. 4· or that woman, Mat. I 5· O.Wom11-n! great is thy Faith. So when the Apofilepreifeth them to a fpiritual abundance mgifts and graces, be faith, Colo[. 3· 16. Let the Word of God d... ell inyou, '7f'A't$1J'ic(J~' richly, or rich, in op– pofition to worldly poverty, as noting the recompence that is made tip to them for their outward poverty, .in their hopes and privi– ledges. A_nd _mark; God is faid, to choofe rich in Faith; t~at isJ · t obe rich in Faith: ~ris fuch an expreffion as is ufed Rom. g, 29.· He bath chofenm likf his Son; that is, to be lik.,e his Son; which is plainly averred by the Apofile, Ephef. 1. 3·· He bath chofen r-w in him, thM we m1ght be h~ly: not becaufe we are good, but that we might be good. Thisplace cannot be urged for the fore- · fight of Fait,h; for as he chofe'us rich in Faith, fo he chofe us heirs of Glor7: and therefore it doth not note the reafon of God:;– choyce, ·but theend; not that they were fo, but 'chat they might be fo. Heirs of .the Kingdom,] Glory is often fee out by a Kingdom,_ and thdaitbful as··Princes unde.r years. · · . · Which he hath promijtd J Premifes of this nature are every. where: Pro'Zl. 8. r7. I love them that lrive me. So Exod. 2.0. 6. Shcwing mercy to thoufands ofthem that love me. Tto -them th11.t love him ? J Why this grace is fpecified, fee .the· Reafons alledged in the Explication and Notes of the twdfch. Verfe of the firft Chapter ; Ooely obferve ·the order ufed by the Apofile ; fir£1: he placeth Elellion, then Faith., . then Love. . TheNotes are thefe : . · r. 'T~;t, ~ftentimcs Gq~ choofcth the ppor ·of this ~9rld. Th~Lion and the Eagle are pa!Ted byj and. the Lamb and the 'Dove chofen for Sacrifice. The · Gofpel , that \\la; hidden from the Wifeawd prudent, wa; revealed to Babn, J7,fatth.u. 25. This • God - - ..