upontheEpiflleof JAMBs. God cloth, a partly to thew the glory of ·his power, in prefervmg a 1dvrrte ere– them, and Truth amongfi them, that were not upJ1eld by worldly lcjfe confllium, props. The Chyrch is called 'the Congregation of the poor, Pfol. non fapunt~s ·r bl r · f h d fi · c 11 Id alzqtros non dt74 • zo. A. nutera ewrc o men, t at w~re e ameot a wor - . ' ,. . . vtt<s, non r:ouzly advantages. Ufually he iheweth hts.power by ufi~g weak means; les, ftd l'ifca· Mofes hand was made leprous before tt wrought mtracles, Exod-4- tum& Publi– 'ltricho was blown ·down with Rams horns; · and Goliah ·Oaio c~;, os 'J.Iitts ~~with a ~ing and 1t {lone. Partly becaufe God would' ihew the ngeret.1rgJF riches of his goodnefs in chuhog the poor ; All mofi now be afcri- ;:urr:;:, u.:e~e: bed to mercy: At the firfi God chofe the worft and the poore.fl:, mi!Je divitiu~ which was an Argument that he was not moved with outward re- nrJbilit~1ti[que fpetl:s · the mofi finful and the-b mofr obfcurt" that all ftefh might autho··:tat~ ·' d ' h' f , . ~ h d 1' h rtrax;f]e abquos glory m the Lor , 1 Cor. I. 28. AT te was maue t e e tg to vidirettlr & 'Paradi{e, and La::.arus taken into AbrP~hams hofom: Thoie that vtritatM 'ratiiJ had not the leafi: pretence of glorying in themfelves, are invited to non dt[p~tatio., grace. Partly becaufe God would difcover his wifdom by making nu gratz.1 ptee· up t~eir outwar~ defetls by this inward glory•. Lev~,'th:it had n.? ~~~£'~~.~~~~ portton among h1s brethren, had the Lord for hts portton: God •ts feet.~· P wanting to no creature; the rich have fomewhat, and the poor bNulttit pri– have the favor ofhis people, Pfa.106.4. fpecial mercies: The buy- us eligm:sen:z– ers, and Sellers, and Money-changers, were whipped out of ·the tvres, fed PifT 1 h · h '- 1 11 · n. · h I h h catores magva emp e; t e rtc uave eau Ultereu t ere. Party, t at t ~ Mem- artificumi[rribers might be conformed to the Held, thf. Saints tb Chrifi, in mean- wrdia! s,iebat nefs and fuffering; Zech. 9· Thy King cometh unto thee p41or~ e'!imquia [i ec Partly becaufe poverty is a means -to keep them uprigh~; Riches are ftgem. fcnato~ agreat fnare. The Moon is never eclipfed but when 'cis at the full: remt, d!dc~retfe- . C · 1 G d · 11 d , · 7ta ·ur zgmtas ertamy o .s people are then mr_nou ang.er. They fay, the Sun rma ~le{ia eft, . never moveth Oower, then when 'cts htghefi m the Zodtack. Ufu- &-c.-Et ally men are never more flat in duty, and dead in fervice, then when~auto _p~f!-. mounted high in worldly advantages. APyrare never fette~h npon jt rm~ .flqzut an empty Ve1fel. The Devil is·moll: bufie in the fulnefs of our fuf- ;<.~m v~~at~; ficiency. Thofe thar: were taken up with the pleaf:mtnefs·of rhe pttrtp:.,, fequl?'re C?u~try, and faw it fit for ihetp, would not go ioco·canaan•. The m_e,.nihzll~ab~s, Dt~Clples plea9ed, f:ord, We have left aft tkings, andfollowed thee: '(!Jhe: nofte, fc– as lf the keepmg of an eflate, and the keepmg ofCbrifi, were hard- reel eme.Audg., 1 'bl W 11 h h · nu. 1 9· e ycompatt e. c ten; ~~ · YoQt acarepoor,blefsGod; ·.'CtSVerb. Dum. all from Mercy that God ihould look upon you : 'Tisa comfort in your ~ean~efs ; rejetl:ed by. the world, chofen by God : He that is • ·happy 1~ h1~ ~W~Confcience, cannGt bemHerableby the'judgment ; · - ·· ·- ! ! -· - -· of