Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

An Expofltion, with Notes of others. Ifai. 56. 3: 4· Let-not the Eunuch far., I am a dry tree; for I ~ill give him an cver-l.aftin_( name : Be not difmur– aged, though. outwardly mean. The poor man is. known to God by name, Luk: 1 6. he bath aprop~r name, Laz:.arU& ;, whereas the rich man is call€d by an ApptliLat,ve name. Atiflong men< 'cis other- . wife' Di".litum nomin4 fciumur, nej(:iu~atur , faith Cajctan : How ever we forget tlle poor, we will be fttre to re– member the rich mans came and title. 2· You that are ri!!:h, con– fider this is not the favor of Gods people ; Be not contented with. V. U common btJ.uHty : You may have an Efiate, and othfrs may have ftat~(;[},;ote: higher 'Priviledges. cAs Lather, profefs.that you wiU not be con– 'Rolte fie ab~a tented fo ; you will not be quiet, till you have the tokens of his fatiari. Luth, jpe.cial mercy. Obferv. 2, 2. There are poor in thu world, and poor in the World' to come, Dives that was fared delicioufiy every day, and was clothed infine linnenJ yet wanted adrop to cool his tongue. Dejideravit guttam (faith_Auflin} qui n.on dedit micam; He 'Xanted a d,-op,that 'Would not give a-crumb. Jfai. 65. 13, 14. Beholdmyfervants fhall eat, bntye foal/ be hungry; beholdmyfervants fha/t drink.., butye[hall be thirfly : they ]hall rejr;yce, /Jut ye foal! be afhamed. Ye are left to your choyce, to be rich in this world, but poor in the world to come : Though here you fwim and wallow in a fea of pleafures, y~t there. you llla)! want a drop to coo/your tongue. Obforv•.3· 3· The poor of thuWorldmay be [piritua!Ly rich. The Apo!Ues riddle is made good 1 2 Cor. 6. to• . lfJ having nothing, yet poffej{– ing all things: nothing in the 'World, andall in faith• . obfcrv. 4· 4· Faith mak,_eth m truly rich : 'Tis the open hand of the Soul, to receive all the bounteous fupplies .of God. Jf we be empty and poor, 'cis not becaufe Gods firaitenedJ but ours is not open– ed. A man may be poor , notwithfiaoding the abundance of wealth: it putterh a difference between you and others for a while, but in thegrave the paor and the rich meet together, {ob 3• 19. that is, are all in the fame efiate without difference. In the charnel houfe all skulls are in the fame cafe; not to be difiinguiibed by the ornaments or abafures of the temporal life: ~ris grace alone that will make you to excel for ever. Nay, riches cannot make you al· ways to differ in this world, They tak..c to themfelves Wings, and fly away,. .Prov, 23. 5. Well thel'l; You that an~ poo\', do no envy others ('le~ty; you·that are tich; donqt ·pleafeyour felves in t~efe • enJoy-