Hpnn the Epift!e of J A M B s, enjoymems: lfltS dizr.itite nee vertt[unt, nee veftrtM) They are t'leither true riches, neither can you always call them your own. 5 • The Lord !oveth oncly the godly pa·or: Thcore are a \\'ick.§d obfirv 5 poor, whofe hearts are ignorantly fimbborn, whofe lives are vici0 • oufiy profane. Chrifi faith, Blejfed are the po?r, for yours. ~the J(.ing2lorn of qod, Luk..: 5. zo: ln ~h~ Evangellft Matthew_ cts_explained, B!ef{ed are the poorm j]mtt, Matt. 5· 3· DP~.vtd fatth, TheabjeElsgathered themfelvcsagainft me, P[at. 35· 15. 'Many times men of that qual-icy.are malignant oppoGtes t0 the children and caufe of God; faucy dttjl, that willbe .fl¥ing ·in the faces of Gods -people; and their rage is the more fierce, becamfe there ii nothing of k11owledg, politique rdlraints, and civil or ingenuous ed-ucadon~ to break the force of it. 6. eAll Gods people are Heirs; t~e;y are Heirs, _t:hey are hn_t 06forv. 6. Heirs. They are Heirs, :that 'ComethJto'them by v1rtue of ~he1r fonfhip; Rorn. 8. I]. If children, the-n heirs, heirs of God, ll"lld joynt heirs with Chrift. J efus Chri£1: was the natmr-al Son, and the natural Heir ; and we being adopted fcms, are adopted ·heirs : He . is callGd, Hebr. I. 2. ·the Heir of all things; and he bath invdl:ed us with his own priviledges. Do'huc.cmn!iider wh-at an heir a.childe of G(i)d is , one that is received. imno the fame priviledges with Chri£l:; and therefore the Apofile lfaitb, he is a jo3nt heir. ln .a fr>iriatal rnaaner, andas we are capaMe, we Chall .poffefs ·the fame glor.y that Chri£l: doth. Again, They are heirs whofe right is inde· • {eafible : Men may appoimt .heirs, :m.dl alter theiq~urpofe, e~pecially·concevningadepted heirs; but God never changeoh: In~ffu~.~~ .. ance of ·it we have earneft, 2 C,f)r.. I. 22. a'C1Jd.we ha11efirft fruitJ, Ram. 8. 23. We have eerneff to thew how fur.e, we have jirtft frr~its t0 'lhew ,how !iood, our inheritance is : .a taUe ·how good, and aprledg how fure. Well then; You that .have tafied of the grapes-of Efochol'J have had any{enfe of your adoption, you may be .confident,God will never alter ,his pnrpofes of ·Lov.e. Again, Tht:>y arelmirs,,that not onelyJook .to inherit the goods -of tfheir•hea– ~e.roly Fat-her.., but,hisp.etr/Qrl.: ·God do~ht110t O[l]ely make over Hea· <tten to yo~, but )bimfe/f.; I A\UVi b.e JMr God: 'IJU'~Pm quantt.U ejf, ~od lS y.o~rs-:.SoP{-a. .lU~. 5· .The Lor:d u the,pePtirmofwiine t.t_Jh~ltAnce. Ag~•n, T~ey are het~ that poffefs by their Fathers . • hfenme: 1.~ g.vethor Elates to 111s,when they campdifefi them . I i 2. no