Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

244 d M:ttth. 18. An Expo(it;on., with Notes no longer : But this is our happinefs, that God and we pofiefs it toget~er ; and therefore 'cis [~~d,,glorifie.d ~i!h him. Again, They are hetrs to an Efrate, that wth not be dJmtn1fhed by the multitude of coheirs. Many ·a fair fiream is drawn dry by being difperfed into · fever:;~l chaoriels : But. here,.:the more, the greater the priviledr,-, What an happinefs is it to enjoy God among all the Saints? Tkry jbP~.Il fit down with Abraham, and Jfaac, and 'lacob. We may joyntly inherit without envy : The company is apart of the blefl~ ing; ·' Tis one of the Apofiles motives, Ye t~re come to .m innumer– able company of Saints and Angels, H_ehr. t a. u,'z3. 'Twas a foolilh qucfiion, that, d who foalt he greateft i;t the ](ingdom {'! Htavm ? For whm God is all in all, he will fill up every veffel : Such a quefiion fuiteth with our prefenc fiate. But in glory, as there is no {4n to provoke fuch curiofity, fo there is no Want to occafion it. They are but heirs: Alafs, now they groan and ~ait for the Adoptzon, Ram. 8. 23. that is, for the full enjoyment of the privi– ledges of it: So I Job. 3· z. We are the fans if' Cjod, but it doth not 11ppear ~hat ~e foal! be: \Ve have a right, but not full pofe.F fion. Hopt cannot conceive what the eflate will be when it cometh in hand. There is muc~ goodnefs laJd out, but more laydup, Pfa• . 3 I. 19. ?fis ob(~rvable, that all Chrifiian priviledges are fpoken of ih Scripture, as if they did not receive their accomphlhmenc till the DayofJudgment. I have fpoken already of AdtJption; that the Saints w.ait for it. For ruffijication, then we {hall know the corn- , fort .ot it, when ·Chrifi, in his folemn and mofi imperial Day, in the midfi of the triumph of 'his Jufiice, {hall remember oAely tl1e fervices, and pafs by thefins, of the fa~thful: Then !hall we know the meaning of that Promife, ·I Am he tbut forgiveth1our iniqui– ties, and will rememberJoPtr fins no more. Our comfort now is mixed, and we are often harraffed with doubts and fears : But when our·Pardon is folernnly proclaimed bef0re alllhe world, then fhall we indeed know what it is ro be abfolved : Therefore the Scripture fpeaketh, as ifan atl: for our JufiificatJOn were onely paff– cd then : Af1. 3• 19. Repent, that your fins may be hlotted out, when the times of '(ej-refhing foal/ come from the prefence 'of the Lord: And poffibl y. that may be the reafon of.ihat exprellion that intimateth forgiv_enefs of fins in the world to come ·: M~t. 1 2.42. !t fo!f-ll nev,er b~forgiven in this ~orld, the 'ftlorld to : (id.) An act of.Pardon can neither QOWbe reallypatTed; or then • · folemnly