An Expojition, With Notes . lcwe to l!lS:; ·the !Father he ~dopteth ~s, Behold What manner of l ove ·the Father,&c. the Son for awhtle reftgoeth and layeth afide his honour, nay dyeth, to F'urchafe our right, Gal. 4· 6. and the .Spiri-t wi·tnef{ that we ar.ethe fons of qDd1J Rom. 8. 15. Oh _adorethe lovenf the Trinity with high and raifed thoughts. Con~ Gder what a comfort her,e is again£\: all the difcouragerrlfntS .arid a- . bafures that we m~et with in the world: Princes ,in difgui{e ar.e .eften flighted, and the heirs of Heaven are made the worlds re– prrhzch :~But why ilioald you be dejed:ed? 2 Sam. 1 3· 4. whyArt ·thou fo lran from day -to .duy, art not thou the Kings fon? Are not you heirs of the Kingdom of Glory ? And, by the way, here is fome advice to the world; Do not contemn the meanefi that are godly~ thev are heirs.; Every one worlhippeth the rijing Sun, ;and obferve.thlhe heir: Om~mak.! you frieX~di rf them, they will tfi.eed you an~ther .day; Lu~ I 6. 9· M-ak_e you mlt~J frien_ds uf ·the Mammon of unrighteoufnefs, that when J·~ fail, tlteJ m~~ZJ re– ·ceive you "int.oeverlafling hP:bitations : that is, wirh that wealth, \vhicfi is ufually abufed to Gn, make you friends of thepoor godly .g 1 Cor. 6, 1. Saints; g tlley, With Chrifl, foal! judg the W.or/d. Make them friends, that they may:giv.e theirJuffrage to you, and receive ¥OU -into heavenly joy.s. Amain ,thing that Chrlft •taketh n0tice of at the Day of Judgtllflnt, is this; Thm have ye done to oneof my nak!d.brethren.., Matt,h. 2.) . 40. 0 '-f. · 7· That th~ fai-thful tVrte Heirs to a Kingdom. Heaven, and uJ erv. 7· c. r. d b . h Glory, is'.orten1et out tous un er t at not-ton : You .av.e places every Wlb6re ; .Kingdoms are for Kings, and every Sairnt is·a fPi-- r.ituai JGnrg; Rev·e.l. I. 6. He bath 'made us IGngnwzd P-ri.efi.:.r tmtJJ -Go.d hi& FrUhcr: Suitably to whiche:xpreffion ..tis faid~ i Pe.t. 2. 9.. That we area.Royal PrieJJh.ood. T.hefe t.wo dignities are joyl.ilfd togetth~, ,be:caufe ,heretofore their l(i;ags \\'.er~ Priefl'l; and ·the!leads.of the f.amilies were the P.niefrs of it : Co HE N fig– nifie:th :both·-a Prince-OfMidi-an, and aPrie.R of .l14.idia.n. But to Ieturn.; Theyare K.ings, be~aufe of that fpiri~ual . they .have - over th(IDil{", Sin, ·Sat<tn, amd the world; .and beca:ufe .clle.y.are Kings, lthercfore their,glory. mail: be a.Kingdom. ~ga:ia,-cbritl: is aKiog., aadtbe~ro rhey.:arf.Kllngslaml'! lais Kingdom·istheir Xliflg– dorn; he.img .unitell :to Chr.iR. itihey are pe!fdfed of his Royalty. Again. Themisa'Wll'Y.great.refemblantebetween .the-glory we ex.. pdit,·and :altitlgQom; :Lak: 12.. 31:~ F-ea.r npt .little flQc'k.., 'ti6Jfl#f . -- -- - -- - - Fathers