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CHAP.• a. upon the. Epiflle of JAM ! . s. :FaJhers pleafure to givtyou.a Kingdom: ·riscalled a1Cingdof/1.j in regard ofitsJPlendor,feilivity~ andglory; that's t-he hi~hefi ex– cellency and note ofadtfferelilce amoogfi men : And alfomregard of att-endant.A; Angels are miniflring ffiirits, FfebP. t. 14. thay are fo already; bot there they areas Porters ftandmg at the t,rrc/ve gates ofour City, Re.v£1. 21. I 2· Nay, Chrifr himfelf wmgir.dhim– fclf, and ferve thofe 'J.?hom he ftndeth Watching at, htsfecond com-. - ing, Lu~ 12. 'n· And 'tis aKingdom in regard:of power aod do– minion; All things are theirs, I Cor. ;. 2 I, 22. 'They fhall judg the Worla, I Cor. 6. 2,3. yea, the evii .A.ngels. And alfo. in regard of abundance ofcontent andfatisfa£lion;, there is hfulmfs of h Pfal ,t6 ult. p/eafuresfor evermore. All thefe things concur to make· it a Kingdom. ~ris a fiate oftht! higheft honqr andglory,great pleafnre. and contentme;Jt,noble attendtftnts,vaft dominion: To all thefe you may add the great Lt/Jertyand Freedom which we £hall enjoy from £1ns and troubles ; We {hall be above the controu~ of Satan, and the oppofition of avile heart. Oh then, we that expect thefe things, Ulhat manner of pcrfon.s ought we to be ? TheApofile bath an ex- . hortation fuitable to this purpofe, 1 The/f. 2.1 I,u. T!Y~JLh._ wurt.hy ofGod, that ht!lthcalledyou to_bu IG.ngdqm: Liveas Kings for the ptefenr, commanding your fpirits:, judging your S:ouls : above ordi1~aryJurfuit.t; ' cis not for Eagle-s to catch flies: above o-;:dina.rj crojJes; Cogita to Cefarem eJfe; remember,thQU ilillc one day ba a King with God in glory. Enter·upon your K-ingdomby. degrees: Tbe KingdfJmofGocbis joy andpCJ~ce in the Holj Gho/1, Rom. 14~ 1 7• But now for others, who as yet remain at the befi but in an un– certain efiate, ' cis amotive to pref! them to do what they cac to in– ter~fi themfdvesin thefe hopes~ Matt. II. n: The Kingd ·m of Reaven[ujfereth violence :.·n~aKi!1g~om,and therefore men are fo violent tor ir. Oh confider, 'cis for a Crown, and that will en– courage you to all earne.finefs of purfuic: A lazy wHh, a drowzy prayer, is not enough. _ · 8. That Heaven u a Kingdom engaged P) Promife. 'Tis not 06fot·v. 8. onelygood ~o tempt your defires, but Jure tojupport.your hopes: Lookupon It, no~onely as aKingdom,but as apromifedKingdom; and judg him faithful that hath promifed. None can comfort th~mfdves in ch~f~ hopes, but the-y that have ihteref!: in the Pro– ~tfe ; they canplead wit~G.pd for ._theif own Sou~s, Wehave thy . n Wafd; ' th.ere IS 4 fromife wheresv .thou' htJtfl:caafed HI to hope. ' ~ fal! 1 19•49 Heaven