Ob(erv. 9· VE R s.6. An ExpofitiQ~, with Notes CHAP.z. Heaven is n~t onely prepared, but promi{ed : You may not onely h3ve l9o{e hopes, but aftedfaR crmfidence. - 9• That the promi{e of the Kingdom is made to thofe that love · qod. Love ~s the eJfeEt off.a~th, and theground of all Duty; and · fo the befi dtfcovery of aJpJrttual efiate~ They do not bdeeve that . do not love : and they cannot obey that do not love. Look then to this grace ; Do you love God? When Promifes have the Conditi~ on fpecified in them, we cannot take comfort in the Promife nil we are fure of the Condition: As Chrifi asked Simon Peter, LoveR thou me? fd commune with your own Souls, Do[f thou love God? Nay, urge the Soul with it again, Doft thou indeed love God.? The effeCls and ~roduCls of love are many; Thofe which love ·God, love that which is of God·: As, I. His glory; Their great ddire and delight is to honour him, that they may be :my way ferviceable -" to the glory o£ God. The fin mentioned 2 T im. 3. 2. Lovers .of themfelvu, is the oppofite frame to this: When all chat men do is with a felf-refp~ct. they have little love to God. z. His Comm.indmcnts: I obferved before, that ufually men love fin, and hate the Comm11ndment: They are vexed with thofe holy Laws that thwart theircorrupt dejires. Natural Cqnfeience imprelfeth a fenfe of Duty, and vile affection workethadiflike of it: Buc now, I {oh. 5. 3• This is the love of God, that his Commandments are not grievom : Duty is their delight, and Ordinances their folace. Pfal. 26. 8. Howh~ve I loved the h~bitati9n of thine honfe, and the place 'Where thine honour dwelleth ! They will defire to be often. in the company of God, to be there where they may meet wich him. 3· HuFriends: They love Chrifiians as Chrifiians, though otherwife never fo mean. Love of the Brethren is made an evi– dence of great importance, I {oh. 3• 14. By thefe difcoveries may you judg your fdves. ( Verfe 6( But Je have def}ifed the poor. Do not rich mm . \ · opprefs you, and draw yott before the Judgment . feats? . ·Here the Apofile endevoreth to work them to a fenfe of their own mifcardage: For having proved refjetf of perfons a fin, he falleth direelly upon their Confciences ; and you have been guilty of it, You ha7!_~ dei}ifed the po~r~ . A~d th~n~ to lh~w that ~~ir _ pra~..LI~~