Hpon the Epiftle of J A M B s. Vaas.6. ' . ~- . -. pratlice was not onely vain and evil, bl.lt motd,andfenilefs, :he urg– ech a new Argument; 'Do not rich men pppre(syou? He doth,.in effetl, ask them, whether they WC?uld thewf~ much honour to their Executioners and Opprellors ? But you Will fay, doth not the Apofile herein fiir them up to revenge ? and ate we not to /uve •ur enemies? and to do good to them that h~t.e 1U? I aofw~r. J. ~ris one thingto love Enemies, another to efteern therp out offome ·ptrver[e'"' re.lp~a: And there is a differencebetweenfawnin,g, and Offices of Humanity andCivilitJ• · 2. Some have deferved fo ill of the Church, that they cannot challenge the leafl: civil refpett fromthepeoplepf God; 3Job. IO, Bid him11ot God JPeed: So 2 King. J· 14.' Were it notfor lehofhaphat the King of l.ttdab, 1 would mt look_Jowards thee, nor foe thee, , 3• The Apofile doth notfpeakto theperfons, but ro the cafe; Will you honour wealth, 1 which is the vifible caufe of all mifchief ? You fee that men ofthat rank and order ar~ ufually Perfecutors and Blafpbemers. He fpe.ak– eth of rich men in general, not fuch as ufed to frequent the,Church and Synagqgoe.; for otherwife you mifiake the Apo(Hes Argument, ) if you think the wor~sdirected to the perfons, rath~r theil c.he or– der•. His Argument runn~th thus ; Will you prefer JllEL'}for wealth in the Chu_rch? when you fee that none are fo mifchievous, and fuch publique Enemies to the Church, as thofe that are we«!thy. } To prove that wealth is no fufficient ground of_ ~hrjftil!n refpett, he nrgeth the ufual abufe of it. . ~ _, .~ ., _.~ 1 Butye have de fjifed the Roar. J He lheweth, how:qontr~ry their praClice was to Gods Difpenfation: God hath put honour upon. them, but yediibonour them, as che Original word fignifieth. The . Prophet expreffe.th fuch alike fin thus, Amos 5. I I. Ye have trodm thepoa.r under fq()t, . ~ , ' .. : po not rtch m~:n] Either he meaneth rich f ag,aru1\nd /ews that had.no.t em~race~ Chrifiianity ; Perfecucions ~fually arifing .from m~n of that fo_rt and order, as the Scribes, Pharifees, and High PrJefrs ~ The chief mm r;f the City were ftirred up againft Paul an~B.arnabM, AB. 1 1• 50. Or eJfe Pfeudo-ChrzflianJ., who be– ing great and powerful, opprelfed their bret~ren_, and ufed.all man– ~erbof. violenc~ towards them. Or rath.er ,:tn. g~neral1 any for~ ·of · ne men. ~ ' f?pprefsJou,] The word is xe~.?aJ'uva>b'dl11, abufe their power agamfi you~ or ufurp a power over you, which was never giv~. Kk them;,