Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

An,Expojitwn, witbNotes- . __......, .. .,. ·--\: ... ··~·..,.. ·-~ . them~ ln-'Wh1cb·(t1l1cthfot{)mD» faith, Pr{}v.u. 7• The rich ruleth tn;tr thepobr','tth_cl thebortliwer u ferva»t f'{) the /:ender: Ruletl~ that .is, arrO'gateth apower, though not invefied with the honou; of Magiflracy. . · .Anti dralJ' yo'ft before ~he Judgment feats? J If it be under– tloodof theunconverced Jews, the meaning is, they helped for~ ·ward theP~rfecu tiot'l; anti implieth the fame with that, Mat. id. 17· Thty {halt defi:z)er }OU up f(J Councels. Or ·if of rich IT1en in the general, towhith I rather incline, it noteth the violent pracl:ices whtch they ufed to the poor, dragging them, as they nfed to do, with thei"debtors ;··Me pluck§dhim by the throat, .A.fntt. I 8. 2-8• And the'Prophet ·Jfeziah expreffeth the ·fame crudry, by fmiting wirJuSefift ~f wickJdnefs, Jfai. ~8. 4· Agreat H£l€I'ty theCredi;, tor had over the Debtor a:nong the Jew~, and that our Apofile in– timaeeth in the word ~"K."rn, they draw you; and when he addcth before Judgment featJ, he aggravateth this wickednefs that was n0W grown cufi:omary :tmong them ; which was not onely vio– lent 9:fageof the poor, but oppreffing them under aform of(aw: Either weating ~bel!~ out by vexatious Suites, o~ defrauding t~elli ptcfetltly of thetr nght, through the favor wh1ch they obtamed by th~ir power and greatnefs : A praaice common among all Nations, but efpecially among the Jews; and therefore is it every where t'lbted ·in the Scriptlirdl. See P[a. I o.9,10. The Notes are 'thefe: Objerv. r . · I~ Ftottlthaf [D'~fJifeq the poor,] T~at ~Qztmm iltnd apparnnt \ guilt m«ft be ro~nafy charged. Nathlln faid to David, 2 Sam. 12: 7. Th(}u art the ttJan. When the prattice is noforious; a (aint ac(lifadon doth nogood. The: Prophe~ firiketh Davidon the brefi; This is thy fin.WhenaCi~y is on fire, will a man come coldly d.·faJ, Tor~der u A gr-eat fire, I prayGod it doth no h~rm ? No; he will try, Fir't,fire; 'joHare undrme!f you do not quench it. Sowhen the ptaaict: is open; and -cle~rly finful, ·cis not good to come with acoritemphtt~e Letlnrt;> 1 and 'lame Homily, but to fall to the cafe directlY,; ,Te ~ewe de!p'i[d thep6qr : Sirs, thu u your fi!'<lftnd if J .ou dti ndt rtfiJrt'h Jt , thu "Will IJ~your .r-uinc. ~TrS~ good tQ~e a litde wat'r:li i \~1iett are llll iS' common ' and the danger1 imminm~ - · Ob/erv. 2, · ·2. Fiom that ·CB.uf 1~~$ JHe · oppofeth their prattice to Gods Dffpenfation; Ti:lit dtf}ijing the po(Jr u ajirt, not onely.againR the