uprm the Epijfle of JAM Ji s. VE RS.6. theWordand \vritten Will ef God, but huminde and intent in hi:J IVork..,s andDif}enfA,tions: ~ris a ldnde of Giga?Jtomachy, a refifi.. ing of God. 1. ~ris againll: the minde of God in their Crea.tien; Prov. u. z, The richand the poor mtct together, the Lord is the mak.frofthem both ; that is, they meet in this, that they havebut one Maker. There is another meetirvg, lob 3· I 5. They meet ill t.he grave, they Jlleet in their de~t!h, and in their .M.ak:f'l': Npw. God never made a Creaa1re for C{)ntempE ; Th~~ (onfiderations fuould refirain it; They were made as we were, and they dye a$ we do: The poor man is calledour own ~efh, Ifai. 5'8. /• 4d~~ childe, as we are. z. ~ris ag~inll: Gods Prov.id.eac~, hi~ Cf!~moc~!l: Providence, who bath confiituted this ordtt in the world: lro11. ] 17. 5· who;fo reproach~th. th~_poor, de,!pi{e:t'h hu /14;J~r; ~h~t isiJ contemneth the w.ife J?ifp,eof~ti~nof Q.q~, whO"rwo~la ba~e .the world to confift of hd.ls ancll v~tUeyi$, ~~: ·nlll~ -~QQ~ tliltetnu.agkd with the rich;- Therefore Chrifi.fa~~b,. ..(VJ.a~th.. ~~.~. 'The~ pqor 1Q~ IJAve alwa.Js prtfortt with you_: · •tift QO~- of th.e fetlej{ Go_nfii.,. tutions and Laws of P.iio\!idera~· ; r~nd it,s·a.~cetfa~y·feube{Y(~and. } ferv.lces of the- world : .this-prd.el"Verll order.; r~r~~l!e! rmoy,(j)["! fices and funCtions .which Jnuoaane 'Socleties; ~llfillll.s>~ '\V>mt~ 1Ul.d therefore !ome meras {pirits 'are ntte..d f.ot: . h~n.dterafUS:'; a.nd, 'h~Jrd J manuaUaboJ.IS', to whiflai~en of an 'high~r. fp~i~,:amki dclicit~ bv~4ing, wiltno.t-C?ndefct!nd.. ~· •tisalfo,agaio~ Gob rje.Qiai P:r.q,11i· 1 dence, by·whtch, ma~ tJ:OO~s, the;g~atctlgtftSJ ,~be-Jih.lJWJed Uf2Q!fl them tha~ are pDoll ahd :,clefpicabk-JiA the:·,W(i)lld'.; tlile1r wit being. lharpeodd by.meedfuy,,. dtt!y, tllay hav~tthe ck~er ·ufe ·Of R.dfuo~ N at~ma;-~Jt{e11'Wl:IAII faw·mdne t'hen ·hiswafierf, Ji J<!;i'~J§·' 5. 1 )· And Solom.on ttdkthofa·p.our man tJJat deliveY~ed ithe,Cily, Sc:c'kf~.I 5• Nay., Go~many.times ptmeth that fingul;K hc::>nour.of heiBg·he.iros o-f Salva#on. t;~p.on .uhe.tn ;:tthe ~oor,ar.erf'trh, i11. fii~i:HJ, ln tmt; Gi>l11t– taxt : Ana theo,i£1jury t111Uft needs redO.Und eo hitn·; f0r the~ arerh$ fliiends and ·chiUhen.; anq ·friends .ha'!le,all t:hingS<ao!lllllli>n,.bo~h eour.cefres.and' injtirdes. · ~: · ·: . 5• Ric-h.men ar.CJ u{iu-alfy Fer{ecutrq,rHr Opprtt.fr~.rs : Their 'Wick- 0b forv" ; • edn~IS ·hath du~·ad.v-amrage1ofan-occafion : AnW•ufual'ly w.JJen.a.diflFofitiou,and; am oocaftim m~et1\og'other, d1mfin is <,ka.wnJorth, and tdtfc.o:v~red. Many have·'i'P.rll, bbldlaVC'tlo.po-rnq11. :6ht"wo~1dwoohi ·be~ colililmon1\age.tCDlaaNdl manntlr of vjltanieS;:up..o.n, WO:lle'ionot .f0r f~h.teRraints ot il?.tuv.idence:. Therefoue .S:alumm wake-tb an, . ' Kk 1 Of.prejfing