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- CHAP.t. upon the EpifUe of J A. MB ~. L11xury and Profufenefs; Men abufe the facnefs of their portion, ) and lay it out upon their lufis: Dive_s f~tred deliciou(ly every da;. But there are alfo [piritual Evils,wh1ch are worfe, becaufe they he more clofely, and undifcerned: Thefe are, 1. Fo~getting of God, . 1 when he bath remembred them mofl:. Men that hve at eafe, have little or no fenfe ofduty: Agur prayeth, Give me not riches, left I hefull, anddeny thee, Prov.3o. 9• And, 2. Cre~tture-Conjidence; Hence thofe frequent cautions, I Tim. 6. 17. Trufl not inuncerl tain riches: and Ifrickes i111crea[e,[et not Jour bearU upon them: ufually the creatnrfs nval God: And when we enjoy them in abundance, ·cis hard to keep off the heart from rrufl io 1 theli). 3· Wor/dlinefs; We are tainted by the objecls with wh;ch we 'tifuaHy :converfe-: And 'die more men have, the more fpuing J for _Godsufes, and their own. Solomon fpeaketh of riches k!pt b] . the r;wners to their hurt, Ecclej. 5. 13. And there an expreflion in the Book of lob, Chap. 20. 22. bJ the fulncfs of hu f~fficiency, he {ball be in jlr11it-r. There isnogreater Argument ofGods curfe, 'I then to have'an dl:ate, and not to t:njoy it. So. 4· Security ; Luk..:. '12. 19.'· Soul, Utk.f t.bine -ea(e, 'thou haft goodf lvryd·up for ma~J }ears. Thefe are _evd~ rha~ ~leav~ t_o wedth, like rufi: to money. I } have but· named them, becaufe I would not digre(s into illufira– tions. 1 Ver[e 7· Do not they blafjherm that worthy Name, by which ye are called? · · · He proceedeth iri reckoning up the abufes of riches. ·Who are the .enemies ofCod, and of Rdigion , the {corners of the worfhy name of Chrifiians, but the rich ? · Do not they blafjhemc] Some interpr~t it of the carnal rich men that profeffed ~eligion, as if by the fcandal Qf their .pra,Cl:i~e$ they had brought ail odium and ill report upon Chrijfi'atJity '. it felf: So that they blafjheme, in their fence, is, thcy •caufe ·. to blaf}heme : They think 'cis an Hcbraifm CA L for H1 P HI L: The whole fireamof Interpreters run this way. They urge for it thofe parallel places, Rom. a.24. Through you u the Name of f.!od blMphemcd fl.mong the Gentiles ·: And z Pet. z. 2 • . By them es th~ Way of truth e·vil JPok.,en of; that is, by their means: And that m the firfi Epi.frle ofTimothy,cap.6.I. Letfervants be obedi· mt~ th~tt the N11me "f qod 11nd hu Dollrinc be not blafjhermd: Kk 3 .; And ~ ..