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Objerv. I. • Pfal, 1:37 06forv.1.. -·- An ExpfJjition, ~ithNotes - .. ~I)q Tit. 2.· 5· The wives foould be difcreet, and chafte, that the W(}r.d o.f God be not bla f}hemed. Certainly Religion is never m,ore di{hGneyred, then by the lives of carna;l profeffors. But this is the gre~mifiake of th~s Context, to apply what is here fpoken ro rich Chr(H~a,f1S : The ~po,fHe onel.y g~y~th an 9bfervation of the man– Qers.of the ri~h mt:ll of that ..:\ge, t{ley were ufually fuch as were b.itt~r enemies ~.0. Cht:iJttaq~~}i; ap_d. t~reupon inferrech,that wealth was_ not a valuahle ~opfide~acion in the Church, to prefer men to places of rul~ and honour, or-to furth~r their caufe, when ever it came into debate. . That Worthy Name,] K!t1-.ov, honorable; as befor.e, Verf. 3· K!t1-.(.);, ina·goodplace, is in the Original honorably. : B.y whichye are called?] In the·Original To 6ltx.;..11Giv £qt ..:[4~~, ~hich u called upmyou : and (ome interpret ~hat thus, Which you fall Hpon. ~ris made a defcription of Chrifiians: I (or. 1. z. A 11 that call;e,pon the Name ofChri.ft : and z Tim.z. J 8. Let him that nameth the Name ofChrifb. Or elfe thus., ~hich u called 'up– on 9very~u; that is, in Baptifm: Mat·th. 2.8. 19. and Act. 2. 38. Or rather, as we tranllare, hy which ye are called; for that is the proper import of~hat phrafe: Called-u..pMyou, •tis applied to wives that are called after the name of the hpsband: Jfai. 4· I . Let th] name he called upon us : Or to children, as Gen. 48. 16. Let my Nam~ be c~tlled on them, and the name of my fathers, &c. and fo it -implieth the Name of Chrifi, put upon his people, who fufiain thefe relations to him ofSpoufe and 'Child'~'en. TheNotes aJe thefe : ~. T,hat wickfdrich men.,above 11.ll other-s,a,re mol/ prone to Bl'af– phemy : They fet their hearts M the heart of God, z8. 5,6. Richesbeget pride, «ndpride endeth in A-theifm. Befides, they en– jo.ying amofi liberal ufe of the creature, are apt to talk unfeemly: When their hearts are warmed and ·inflamed with wine and mirth, they cannot coma in, b_u.t mufr needs difgo~ge their ma1i£e upon the·ways and fervams of Chrifi, The merry and full fed B~byloniaJJJ mufl have-an* HebrewJong: And ~tis no feafi with many, unlefs John Baptists head be brought in a Charger. Religion, or religious perfons,mufi be ferv(,to feed their mirth.and fportive– nefs. 2. They t./Mt love Chrifl:, will hate Bla!ftheme_rs. \Vhen he would work th~m into a: dif-efieemof thefe. ungodly wretches, he . faitlJ,