npon the -Ejfiflle of J A 111 ! s. faith, Do the] not blafjbeme thatworthj Name.? Mofes bu(tied 1 with an holy zeal, when he heard that one bad ·blafp&anedGod, Levit. 24. 1 3, 1 4- And D'llvid faith; Pfal. I 39· zo, ll, 2 2. The] JJmtk,_againft thee wickfdl.J, th~ne Enemies tal:.! thy JYame in ) 'ilain •Do nr;t I hate them that hate thee ? I hate them ~tth a per• feCi h~tred, I count them mit~e Enemies. Love is tender of the leafi wrong done to the thing beloved ; more efpecially will jc ) fparkle and burnwith a fiery zeal, when fuch high contempt is cafi npon it, as Blafphemy putterh upon Chrifi. ThofeGallio's of our time, that tamely, and without any indigmirion, hear the worthy Name of Chrifi profaned with execrable Blarphemiest } fuew how little love they have to him. David counted r,hem hi$ enemies that fpoke wickedly againfi their God ; but {uch are their darling!. 3• That Chrifls Nttme u a worthy N.<tme. Chrifiiariity will 0/J/erv. 3· never bea difgrace to yoU; Yott may bea difgraee to CliriO:iahity: I am not ajb~omed (faith the Apofile Paul)ofthe GoJPel of Chrift;Ro. 1. 16. Many are alhamed to·oWn their prokffioli in carnal compa- ·ny, as if thtre could be any difgrace in beingCbrifls fervanE: Oh, ·ris an honour to you. And as Chrifl:ianity is :m honour to you, fo lhould you be an honor to ir,diat you may not fiain aworthy name: Adorn the Go!Jel, Tit. 1. 10. The hetd of wieked men they are ignota capita, perfons unknown, and unobf<!rved; they may fin, and fin again, yet the world taketh no noticeof ir. But how cloth it furnilli rhe -ttiumphs of the untircumcifed, to fee men of aworthy name overtaken in an offence ? The Chamsof the world will laugh to fee a Noah drunk. Spots and !bins in white are feon dif– cerned• .4• The P.e~ple of Chrifl ~re named and ca~led after Chriffs O~ferv. 4• name; {hriftums fromChrtft. The Apofile fatth, Epbef. 3· I), From him the whole family, both in Hcavm and E{Jrth, is nmmd. The name was firll given them at Antioch, A a. r 1. i.6. They were called Difciples before; but, to di.fiinguilh th~mfelves from falfe brethren, they named themfelves Chrifliam. They were called N11.:t.arites and Galileans by theit Enemies; and abou-t this time there was a Sefl of d1at name; h1lf Jews:, and .half ChHftiant. N0w the very Name prGifethus to care and holinejJ: Remember what Chrift did ; you are called after his Name : z Tim. z. 1 9· Let-every one that 1Mmeth theN11me of Chrift depart from iniquity: