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\ VII RS.S. .An Expojiti1n, with Notes quit) : '71'~ o ovop.J.~ruv, he that counteth it his honour to ufe the Name of Chrift in Invocation. Alexander the great faid to one of his Captains, that was alfo called A lcxander; Recordare liominu eAlexa.ndri: See you do nothing unworthy the name of Alexan– der. So, fee you do nothing unworthy the Name of Chrifr. And, as another faid, fpeaking offomething unbefecming, I could do it, i{ I \\Jere not Themiffocles : So I could do it, if I were not a Chrifiian. Or, as Nehemiah, Should fuch a man M I flee? Shall I, that am named by the name of Chrifi, go this? Again, This Name is an Argument which you may ufe to God in prayer for grace and mercy ; his Name is upon you, that endeareth you to his bowels : Gods Promifes are made to fuch; Ifthe people that are called by my name,&c. zChro.7.14· And fo there is a notable Pro– mife, Deut. 28. I o. And all the people of the earth foal/ .fee, that thou ar·t calledby theName of God, and they fhall be afraid of ~ thee. So you Lhall fee the Church pleading this, [er.' 4-9· Yet thou, 0 Lord, art in the midff of m, and We are called by thy Name, inwem not. So may you go to God: Lord, 'cis thus wich us, but we are called by thy Name. · Verfe 8. Ifye fi~lftl the royal Law, according to the Scrip– tHres, Thou jhalt /ovOhJ N eighbor M thy [elf, 7e do Well. Now he comes to difcover the ground,upon which theydid thus prepofl:eroufly difpen(e their refpeCls: ·rwas not Chanty, as chey did pretend, but having mens perfons in admiration, becaufe of ad– vant.:lge: For this Verfe is aProlepjis, or aprevention of an ixcu(e fore-feen, which might be framed thus, That they \\lere not to be hlamect for beiHg too humble, and giving re.rpeEl there, 'Where 'tw.u leaft due j and rhat they d-id it out of relation to the common good, and a ne~eJT"'r] obfervance of thofe ra~11zf and-Jegras Whicb God hath conftituted among men. The Apofrle fuppofeth this Ob– jection, and anfwereth it: Partly by Concejfion; If you do1t in obedience to the fecond Table, (the Tenor of which the Apofile ex– preifeth by that generahule, Thou fhalt l9ve thy Neighbor M thy [elj;) then fuch refpe(.<t rightly regulated, and . accordiNg to t/ie Scriptures, is bot a Duty. Partly by Way tJf Con'?liClion; Your inordinate refpea of the rich~ with contempc of the poor~ is fuch a flatter}