--------------------------------------------------~·~ CHAP.l. upon the Epift!e of J A M E s. Vs R s.8. flattery and partiality,which the Law doth openly condemn: The poor, and thofe whom we may help and relieve, being in the Law, or S<:ripture~notion, a~ much, yea rather more, the neighbor, then the rich. · Ifyeftt!fi!] Ts~li1'Ts, If ye do fquarely a_nd r~un~ly come up to the obedience ot the Law, that part of tt whtch ts the rule of outward refpects. The word properly !Jgnifies, If ye perfetlly ac– compli(h : Sincerity is a kinde of perfection. The Papifl:s,_among other places, bring this for one, to fhew that a jufi man may fulfil · the Law of God. In this place ic onely implies afincere refpetl to the whole duty of the Law. The royal LawJ So he calleth" it; Either becaufe God is the King of Kings, and Jefus Chrifi the King of.)'aints, Revel. I )• 3· and fo the Law, either in Gods hands, or Chrifis hands, is aroyal Law ; the leafi deflection from which is rebtllion : You would not eafily break Kings Laws. Gods Laws are royal Laws, becaufe l of the dignity of the Author of them. The Syriac/z. Interpreter favourcth this fence; for he tranOaceth it the Law of God. Or they may be called fo from their own Worth; that which isexcel– lent, we eaU it royal. Or elfe becaufe of its great power upon the Confcience: M~nsLaws are but properly miniflcrial and explica- ) t_ory ;_God's is royal, and abfolute. Or the royal Law, to Chew the plainners and perfpicuity of it, like a royal way : or, as we • exprefs i~, the Kings high wtJty: So 'cis faid, Numb. 2 r. 2.2. We 'Will one!y go by the I(#ngs way :, Suitable to which expreffion the ~oyal Law may imply the highway and roadof Duty. 'Or, la!Hy, a roJldLaw, to note the ingmuity of irs precepts: The Command of God, chat is to guide you in difpencing your refpecb, cloth not oblige you to this ferviliry; The duty of it is more royal and in– genuous. ~ccording to the Scriptures,] That is, as the Tenor of it is of– t~I_l fee down in the Word: The form here fpecified is ofcen repeat.:. e~ ,Levit. 19. 18. The Scptut~gint, in the Tranfhtion of chat place, have the fame words with our Apo!He. 'Tis often repeated by our Lord; See Matt, 22. 39· And often by the ApofUes ; See Rom. 13.9. Gfl.lat.. ;.14- The full import of rhis rule we thall anon open. . Ye do welt.] The fame form is ufed P hilip. 4· 1 4· and implietb, that ~he~ !!leY ~er~ ~~~ ~!~m~-woL1hy, an4 might jufily ~~~;~d