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VBRS.8. An Expofition, with Notes folved and acquitted from the guilt charged in the Context. And by t~e way, we may he~cegather, That the Apofiled~th not fimply forb1d a refpect eo the nch, but arefpett fordtd, and mvefied witk the circumfiances ofthe Context. Out of this Verfe obf~rve : Ohjerv. I· J, That the vi/eft 'Wick..,ednefl 'Will have afair covert and pre– tence: Sin loves to walk under adifguife ; the native face of it is ugly and odious: Therefore Satan in policy, and our own hearts deceived by ignorance andfelf-love, feek to mask and hide it, that wemay fpare our felves; Which lhould prefs us to the greater heed : Never feek a cover of duty for a vile pratl:ice. and to excufe checks ofConfcience by fome pretence from the Law. 'Tis Sa tans cunning, fometime to drefs up fins ip the form and appearance of duty, and at other tim~s to reprefent duty in the garb of fin; as Chrifis healing on the Sabbath day. Be the more fufpicious, efpe– cially in a-matter wherein your private advantage is concerned ; lefl: bafe compliance be reputed anecelfary fubmiffion, and unjufi gain be cgunted godlinefs : Examine the nature of the praCl:ice by the rule; Is the royal Law appliable to fuch ferviliry? And examine your own hearts, Is my aim right, as well as my ~Elion? It is not enough t0 do what the Law requires, but it mufl: be done in that . manner which the Law requireth: Matter of duty may be tU,t'ned into fin, where the refpefrand aim is carnal. 06forv. 2. 2. That' coming tothe Law is the be.ft ..,~ay to difcover [elf-deceits: If it be a<lcording to the Law (faith the Apofl:le) it is weU. Paul dyed by the coming of the Commandment, Rom, 7• 9· that is, in conviction upon his heart, faw himfelf in a dead and lofl: efiate: So Ram. 3· 20. By the Law u the k.rwwledg of fin; and therefore we iliould often talk with the_Commandment, cenfult with it in all practices. 3• That the Lords Law u a 'Y'oyld Law. J •. It bath aKingly Obfirv. 3· .Author~ The folemn motive to obedience is, I am the Lord. Marcion blafphemed in faying, The Law came from an tvil God. Many now fpeak fo comemRmouOy of it, as if they had aMnrci-.. o-nites JPirit. The fame Lord Jefus that gave the Gofpel, gave alfo \ the Law: Therefore it often faid, Act. 7· That the Law was given by an Angel; that is; the Angel ofthe Covenant: So Heb. :t2. 25'. to the end; Tlie Apo11:le proves, that it was the voyce of theLord Jefus that" (hook, Mount Sim1i. ,Tisa known rule in DI· - vinicy,