Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

CHAP.Z. ttpon the Epift!e of J A. M E s. VE 'R. s.8. vinity, That the Father never appeared in any lhape; and there- 1 fore, that all thofe apparitions in the Old Teframent were of the fe– cond perfon. 2. It requires noble wo1~k, fit for Kings; Service moll app.roportioned to the dignity ofa mans fpirit : Servlce is an honour, aod Dt.tty a priv..iledg: Hofea 8. 12. T'he great tbh;gs; ..ds in the vulgar, Honorabi!ia Legu, The honorable things c'f my Law. 'Tis faid of J{rael, That no Nation was f.o high in hondur above all Nations, becaule they had Gods Statutes, which Was their Wijdom, Deut. 7. The brighteH part of Gods glory is his Holinefs; and therefore 'tis faid, Glorious in Holmefs; and '.risour dignity to be holy: That mufr needs be aroyal Law, that maketh all thofe KiAgs that fu_lfil ir. 5· ~here's royal Wages; nol~fs then all_ofyou to be made Kmg!l and Prmces unto God : Enter mto the J( mgdom prepared for you. And,henceforth ulayd up for me a crown, z Tim. -+8. This is th€ entertainment that ye lhaU have from God here– afcer, to be all crowned Kings and Princes. Oh! then give the Law this honour in your thoughts: Naturally men adore il:rich1efs. How great is the excellency of Gods Statutes! Check your felves, that you can no more come under the power of them. In the ways of fin you have abad mafler, worfe Work_, 1nd the Worft Wages. There'sa bad mP~fler, Hioluffs \vill ye do, [oh. 8. 46. They are Satans Jufis, he is the Author of them. There's bad Work_, Sin is the greateil: bondage and thraldom, z Pet. 2. I 8. the heart natu.. rally rifethagainfi it. Then there is bad wages; Rom.6. The Wages of fin u death. Well then, Prefs thefe difproportions, and fay, What evil have I found in God? Jerem. 2. 5. Hath God or Sin been ~tlanaofdark.J~efs to me? I have ferved him thefe eighty years (faid Polycarp) ~ o?x. M'tx.ll<T~ 0~, and he never did me harm. Rea– fan with your felves; Will you fin again!t a royal Lord, fuch royal war~, fuch aroyal reward? , 4· Tharthe rule thM God hath left m io layd down in the Scrip- O~fcrv. 4• t:ures: There is the fignification of his Will, and from thence mufi it be fought: They are able t~ maf<.! the marJ of God ptrfe£l. 5• The Scriptures require We foould love oNrNeighbors M our Ob!"· ~ · [elves. Paulfaith, Ga/.).14. All the Lawu fulfilled i1t one 'Word; ,(}rv. "· Love thr Neighhor M thy [elf. All the Law, that is, all that part of the Law, which concerns our duty towards others; or all the Law, by worthipping God, in difcharging oqr duty towards man; Ll; wd ...