Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

VE RS.S. At~ Expofttion, 'WithN.otes \ 1fl'e ought to lay down o.ur livet for the brethren; my fingle life to fave the whole cornmtmity. And fo we ought to help on one ano– ·thersJPiritual good wit~ thelofs of ou! tr.mporal: We may ex- \ pofe our w uncertamdanger, to hmder .anothers certain dan– ger. Trhe ·ApofUe Paul, inaglori~us excefs of charity, could pre– fer the common good of the Salvauonof all the Jews before the • p:~rt.iclillar Salvation of his own Soul; Rom. 9· 3. I could wifo that my felfwere accurfodfromChrift,frn· my brethrm and kjnj'- ~ Exod, 31, mm according to the fl.ejb. AtJd* Mofos, for the general fafety of Jfrael, ,could wiilihimfeH to be blotted out of Goqs B(jf)~ Cafes may happen, wherein a publick good may be more confiderable~ and better in its felf, then my particular happinefs ; and then in felf-denial I am bound to love others better then my fdf. And partly becaufe, on the other hand, in ordinary cafes 'cis impoffible I - . thould be as firongly movoo, or asindufirioui1y active, in another mans cafe,as I would .in my own:Therefore,as I faid,the rule intend– eth the kj_;;de of affctl:ion, and the Way of jc; that is, With what ·mi;de,and inWhnt cour(e,I lhould purfue the good of others; with thefame heart,~nd in thefame way,I would mine own:And chiefly aimeth at the prevention of a double evil, ufual among men, Self– love .and Injury: Self lov-e, when men, out of the privacy and . narrownefs of their fpirits, onely minde their own things: And Injury, when men care not how they deal with .others. Firfl, It · preventethSelf-love, by pre.ffing us, r. To minde the good of o– thers; I Cor. I o. 24. Let no manfeek.. his ovm, but each manan· others 'Wealth, their comfort and contentment, by all offices of Humanity, fuitable and convenient to their neceffities ; efpecially to promote their fpiritual good, laboring to procure it, praying aPfalm J > for them, though they be Enemies, -as a David fas1ed for hi& .Ene. mies. But alafs, this love is quite decay' thefe lafl: ages of the world : They are mightily infamed in the Scriptures for felffeek1 b ~udolp~ru_ i·ng, 2 Tim. 3· 2. bOne faid, The world was oncedefiroyed,prop. de 'flZta Chrijil: ter 111rdoremcupidinu, withWater, for the heat ()f lufl: And it · · will be again defiroyed, propter teporem ch(Jritatu., with fire, for the coldnefs of love. Thefe duties are quite out of date and ufe. 2. To minde their·good really, as truly., though not a1 much: The Apofile faith, Let love be VPithout diffimuiAtion : And Saint John fpeaketh often of loving in truth : Though we are not everyway as earneft, yet we rouft be ~sr_~~~~ ~~ pro!_notiog their good, as our own,