<;aAP.a. up~ntheEpiflleof]AM:~s. VERS.$h 16.5 I cfwn,without any felf-end and reAeCl:io~s upon o~t o~n adva:nrage– and profit. Secondly, le prcventeth lnJNrJ, by d1re~mg us to deal wich others, as we would have them to deal wtth our felves; wifhina them no more burr, then we would with our own Souls : I meanbwhen w~ are in-ounight. rea:fon, and ftlf-love isregular: hiding ~hr!ir defects and imfirmities, as you would your ewn ; par– doning their offences, as you defire Go~ lhould do y~urs;. and in~ allcomraCl:s, and acts ofconverfe, puttmg your Souls m the1r fiead. Would I be thm dealt with·? If I hadmy own choycc, Would not - I he otherwife ufed r In all our commerce "cis good to make fre– quent appeals to our Confcierrces: would1have this meafure mea– fured into my own Soul.? And thus I have opened the great Rule of all Commerce, Love thy Neighbor M thyJ~lfr who(e intern is (as I faid) partly to pre– vent felf.love, by Lhewmg wemufi do Q:ithers;good, as-well as our felves; And partly to prevent injury, that W@ may do othets no more evil then we do our fel-ves. Verfe9· But if ye have ref}eEI: t'operfon.t, ye commit fin, a1JtJ are c.gnvincd ofthe L~tw M tr1enfgrejfor.f. · Here is the fecond part nf ~he Apoftles'.Anfwer : ·In tile· former part there was the c'owceffion; re do "tl?elb, i~ you give this r-efpe~ in obe~ienc~ tb. th~.Law: But here is-thecorr_elteon, you gtve it · contrarytothedtrecbonof the' Law, and fo 'cts not a- dutj, but a fin. . 1fut ifye have re!peEl t~ perfons,J That is~ If in difiributlng the boners and cenfures of the Church, you judg altogether accord– ing 'to mens·outward quality and condition, as before was cleated: Ye commit fin,] 'that is, 'Tis_not aduty, as you pretend, but a' fit~: and what ever you think, the Law, which is the rule of Chriil:s procefs, will finde you guilty. . Andare convincedof th'e Law] This may be underllood eic11er g~ne~ally, That what ever their P.recences were, yet the Law would fin~e them out, and'di<tinguifb their unjufi'partiality from a necef– fa·ry, refpect. Ot elfe more efpecially it' may be underftood o~ t'he by.r which they urged, Love thy N'Cighbur M thy[elf; which re– qnttedan ~qual rcfpea to dre"Neighbor) however difiinguifhed, whether nch or poor. Or-elfc the ApCJftle•intendeth the Law a- . gainfr