Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

An Expojition, With Notes gainfl: refJ~Ct .of perfons ; Levit. I 9. I 5. Thou (halt do no unrigh– t~rJUfnefs tn Judgment; thou {halt not re!peft the perfon of the p9or, nor the perfon of the mighty; but irJ righteotJjlleji fha!t thou judg thy neighbor. To which place I fuppofe the Apofile allLJdeth · beca4fe ic is fo fair for his pmpofe, and becau fe in thac Context th~ of love to the neighbor is repeated ; fee VerC 1 8. And in rhat the Sepru.agint. have .the ·very fame words which the Apoille ufeth VerC 8. · As tran[grej[ors.J · n~, the word in the Origi1:1al for AJ, imply- . Veritatem erh c reality, not omlyjim,lirude and li~enefs ;.that is, that you are ~10: jtmilit1tdi· indeed tranfgreffors: I do the rather note ic for the opening of a like nem! Laurem. exprefsion in amatter important and weighty.; 'cis inJoh. t. r4· We in locum. Jaw his glory AS theglory ofthe on!] begotten. Son of G'od: that is, not like the glory of the Son ofGod, but that he was indeed fo. ,Lmle is eo be obferved out of this Verfe, b~caufe the matter of .it is handled in the Context. · Onely note : . : b 1. That the lYord andRuledifcovereth VVickednefs, .V;h~n our 0 'ferv. 1 ' Minde Confcimces do not. Confcience harh bm a weak., light, an·d that light ·is partial:- FPlvour thy [elf, is the language o~ corrupt Nature; And therefore, chat we may not be injurious to our own , quiet, deluded Confcience is apt eomi!l:ake every pretence for duty, and the outward ~ork_. of every duty for the power and life of ic : Therefore the, Apofilefaithof the Heathens, that had ,butalittle ligh~, Tha~ they gndy ininded, i n·ov vot~.~S, the wor.k_. of the Lam, Rom. z. ,I4· that is, the externd matter of the Commandment. Nay, thofe that have more light, are every way as unfaithful in the ufe of it. Paul refted contented with his Phar~tijm, and out· · ward righceoufnefs~ till, by a(erious ttpplica.tion of the Rule, he found that to be 4 merit ofdcMh, which he ~lad formerly reckoned aplei>t for life: That I fuppofe he intendeth,when he faith, I was alive Witho11t the Law, but t hq C()mmttndmcnt coming., 1 dyed, Rom. 7· Well then~ Wefeewe haveneed to attend upon the Word, an.dconfult with the Law, not the <:rooked ruleof our owQ O!Jforv. 2. Confciences. . : , d Jl_ui facit 2• #.Tu bt~t acr4tJ prctcncfJ, w1Jin614t P.tertt'flh~ Law il plelfd-. folummodo ea cd to excufo obcdienceto anofher : oPor when we p1c:kandcnoofe, ·911~t vu~ fa! e: wedo not fulfiJ God~will, but our own. Th~fe pretended Cub– ~~~:~(}tuO::~~z- mifsive r~fpeel ~o ,the rich, as dueby theLaw, but forgot thofe o~ temimplet ,[ul ther precepts t~~t ~fi~~~thet\ ~ ~uty to-the · poQ~ ~ ~9~fc!~~ce mubil: ,fuam!Salvian. e