upon theEpiffleof J If M B s. be f:uisfied with fomething; Therefore men ufna:Jy pleafe then~fctves:info mNdi,of, ob'edikncti', :is is Jeaft ·conda'ty·c:o ri;J-eit imel'efis and inclinations, and Jitve ·not .an.entir~ uniform refpee~ to the whole Law. •ris as if afervant Jbould think himfelf dlltiful, when he gc><?th tb aFe:.tftt,,or a _Bate:, when-fl.isMafter biddttnh him ; _wRen in·cfit:l rne:m titil'Je hl:ndednnethemm'ds:of ll1s troubLe~: bbt ofmore fe.r..vii::e-: whereas it~ fuch.rnattcrs hedorln1ot ouey b~S{ MafterJo wilt, bun.. his. own inc.fi'narirm. · $.). in· CotJ.im:mds~ e:afie and: compliant' wich:.ourown ~umorsand:defigns, we·do ·not fomuch fe(ve ·God, aSlour~own imerefrs; andlthere is.more cfi de.ftg:n;,then ofauty and R:digioo,. in fuch aetiCllns:r and. therefore they lo!e tnei~; reward \VJith·.Go:d:~ As1Do.' i~Jflance: in:- a fliam.·r· fuirabk ro the Contex·r; · God: bath.· required.rha·c. perfons £!iould be hofpitable and harbor– eus :1~bwm~orqfadocia:Lnacure will ·foon:;(hear:' in chat eat, and thir1Lmhcmfelves liljerabnd bountiful, bec~mfe: rfiey:fpend nioch · it:f fcftivity-~d: entijttainment, or in .feafiilllg with their rich Ne'igfi.. i)ors.; whereas' licrle!.or nothing. is done.out 0f aqvell' cempertd C!iarity•;atld it1 refrefhing .chep,aor Mernlmr..s of--'Chr-ifr.: Now this is na:mbre.accepred.ef: G.0~ .d1tn. the ujffl:'in;r-rf a Dog,s ·heml in· fitcriftc-e~ . becaufe alLthis.isbut a· luftft:d ~~ aACI ferved , under a pn:: tence 1 of: Religion;. [ov"ialty undt!t·tlr~.difguifoof' Chrifiian'chari· ty'J.nd~ h.otN~ty; .and: therefon:.the Ap0fU~ make.ch;entertainments to be-btttfowi·n;gj to ·thc.jit(h; Gal. 6•. -I o. For I (upp-ofe thedrifrof. that ·€onteJGtt is!to. difiigguifu~ betwe.~Errwhat 'is, fpent in 6haMtJ . and:Luxury.: And:in,the ptotmf!rofl che-!Jf.l: ;day., .defcr'ibed LVtV.tr.· 2~; Chb!hbthrnot ask Whllt lhott hafh:!one to ;the ridq bat toJhi!l1 poorMembersrta-the·hungr;, the nakJd, &c;. Welhhen, Beware; · of fuch:a '-partial dlfpropbrcionate obedience : Hypocrices ,ufe·co divide betwee-n ·the·:Tables, b~tween . ducy toGod; and duty to· "man·; am:Lin the refpt:tls due:t0 mm che}' ta-wfwaye.d.fmoFe by their- . own humors and incerefrs; therhhe tme' I'Il0tivd.ofobedience : and therefore, thbugh they u~ually,exc-eed in th~ir· duty and fubmif6iortr .to ~he rich, ,·yet they-negleel:) ;if ~nbc contemn; ,the poor; .either it'l tht1r.fuffrages and.electionSi toi Ecclefia:fiica;L Honours .and .Offices, . 'or in ac_ls ob Judicaru:e; or in.llltltie-s·ofprivatecnarity i_n rioir,. ' ·J entertammen~s :..Whtch:ref}eU ·of ptrfom-our Apof1,1' •. .· --~.a~, .. proveth, taxmg .It for a tranfgrelfion, and nM . ,) ; ~! .. ~ )ut\~y dtf · · · _,~ a J.ut}:- 'Vctfe m