Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

366 VBRs.Io. An Expofition, with Notes / - Vcrfe 10. For 'Whofoever foal/ k.tep the Whole Law, imd]ct offend in one poiNt, u guilty ofall. . The conneCt:ion between. this Verfe and the former is thus; They had pleaded, chat their refpeel: of the rich was but a necelfary Civi– lity, and a duty of~he Law ; or, at leafi, that it was but a fmall of– fence, fuch as migbt be excufed by their innocent intention, and o·- aSee. camera bedience,in other things; which was an Opinion rife in chafe days: ~ rbe hft .E~iti' And that a feme make eo the occafion.of this fentence, that the: on ko£_ ~u Apofile might difprove that conceit which was then fo common, ;~~/:;o~lto; That ?bedie~ce in_ feme thin~s did make amends ~or their neglect and dtfobed1ence mother thmgs. That the concett was common, appeareth by feveral palfages of Chri!l: and the Apofile::; :-- Our Sa- . \ viour chargetb it often upon the Pharifees, Ben Maimon in his Treatife of Repmtance hath fuch a paffage as this is:. Everj one . (faith he) hath hu merits, "nd hu fins: He whofo merits are equal , to his fins, he is Tz ADo c, th~ rigbte1m man: He Whofe fins ~tre greater then his m-erits, he is RAs HANG, the wick.§d man: .But Where the (zns Andthe merits are equal,he is the middle m11n ; partly happy,AndpArtly miforable. This was the fum of the Jew– iili Doctrine in the more corrupt times :' And feme think the Apo– iHe might meet with this Error in tbis Verfe, by iliewing that the leaft breach rendred aman obnoxious to the danger of the violation Qf thewhole Law. Rather I fuppofe it lieth thus; They fatisfied themfelves with half duty, ufing over much obfervance to the rich, and to the poor nothing at all. He had before faid, i!i vol-'ov nl-..i:re . /6a.a-INX-ov, If 7e fulfil, or perfefl, the royPll Law: Now they mind– ed that p~t of it that was advantageous to them ; 'cwas not full or perfect obedience, to cut off fo much of duty as was lefs profi~ able::: therefore the Law convinced them M tranfgrejfors.. The royalLawfaith, /@vethy Neighbor."Mthyfeif; and· man is not to.make fuch exceptions as pleafe him befr, to defaicate and cut off fuch a confid.erable part of duty-at his own pleafure._ God faith, Thy N eit;;hbor;. :¥ld I mufi not fay, My rich Neighb ~11.f!;. lib;z. hor one/y. Theremuff be an ,evm and adequatecare to cornplywith R..&watfit. ca•15 the whole Will of God, or eJfe 'cis riot obedi~nce, but you ai~ in, epz • I o :z.. h d , f ,r; ,({ T. hi ·h. "" h h f' h ad li.viJ1ium· t e angero .tta?J.;f/eJJors. s mtma....r muc ore eopen- &. rP'ft. z9.>· ad ing of the Verfe' · a placein its fdf difficult. b .Auguftin confulr_ed !r;I._#Y.IIll.. \.V1C h•