Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

~tpmthe Epijfle of JAMB s. Vs with ?er(Jm-ab;ut eh~ . fence of it inalong Epifile ; and indeed at the firft ~iew:the fenrence.feemech harfh and rough. I lball fidl open the phrafcs, remo~re falfe inferences from ic,and -then dlablith the true Notes and Obfervations, that thi~ S-cripmre m.ay have its due and proper force upon the Confcience. · · foa!l k.§ep the Whole Law, ] He fpeaketh u,pon fuppo– fition ; Suppofe aman lhoul~ be exad; in all other points of the Law, wpich yet is .impqfsible; we may fuppofe- things that pever thall be. Or elfe he fpeaketh according to their pretenc~s and pre~ fumpcions; They fuppofed they were not to be taxed, or convin •. ced, as tranfgref{ors in any other matter, grant it,Jfaith the . Apo~ IJ:~e. Or eife he fpe.akerh of the whole of this Commandment,Thou jh~tlt love thy Neighbor, &c. Suppofe your duty tO tich IJ}en, and where it . may make for your advantag~, be whole 'and entire: , . , · . Yet if he offend il4 one point,] Willingly, conilaptly, and ·with allowance from Confcience; with chought of merit-and excufe, \lecaufe of his obedience in other rnaners : . . . H~ u gHilt) of all.] Liable to the fame pnnilhm_ent,-ilanderh.up– on the fame terms of hope and acccptanc~ with God, as if he had done nothing. A_man may violate-totam LegetrJ, though not to– tHm Legu; fin againfi: the dignity and .authority .of the whole Law. though he cloth not actually break every part of it. I, but you ·will fay, as the Apofiles, ;uatt. 19~ _Who ·then ~an be favcd? Here,is a terri~le fenten~e- _that will much- difcour~ge God_s little ones, who·are confcious to the;lT)fdves of their dayly failings. I anfwer, Thac which the Apofile aimerh at, is-thedifcovcry of Hy~ pocritc.s, not the difcouragement of Saints: As Zuingliu.1, when he had fla!hed theThunder and Lightning of God in the face of fin– ners, he was wont to come in with this provi[o; Bone Chriflidne, h<tc nihil te; Poor Chriflian;thu u not jpok.§n to thee. ,So, this is not fP.oken to difcourage Gods Children, however it may be of ufe to them, to make them more humble, cautious, and watchful; as Lions Will tremble, When !Jogs are beaten. 1o clear the place, be– fore .I come to lay down the Notes, I lhall, according to prornife, remove the falfelnferences. I. You cannot conclude hence, That ~tll fins ~re equal; They are all damning, r:ot all alike damning. So~egutlt may be more hainom, but allis dcadi:J: And chat is tt whtch {~tmes affert~_th; he faith, He is guilty of .all, bnt no~ Mm 1 , . equally ·I ·} I l . .I