Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

~6'S V'E R s .1·0. A-n -E.xpo[it;uif, withNotts CH·Ai» , 2 • {qt~aUy ,gu~it~.. ' l ' he .!p(ille ~o"Uld infor .an~e~uilt1t1 of l':~r:e and rdpe~ il'~ r,h~ W~l~ Ln~Jbut nbt '!J.~ '~1Uta!/-itpof fin. ··An that cm be colU:Cl:~d ·ts ~l1fSI J !'fhnt bneWll@WM W:tlfill ·delitbe:rate breach a'lild violation,forftfi'tel!i,l @Ur tigl:!~eou.fl>le'fs, and.n1ake 'tls:bcc"'(}tm: obnoxi– ous t<? _rhe curfeof the whole·Law; ·aFIJI t'he {ijnner tJh:all no lefs dyt>, then:1t ~At·nad 'Brdke? all fby aR ·aClu~l tt-anfgvHiion. So that ·al– th0ugn~lltal~owed~ns-deferv~td:ea.~,.ye.t.Ntere is a-d-ilfeucmc.e frilhe.. main'iogiti t<he :f(::verdu~grel.JS of ·guiilt~d thel~e f;fe. 2 •. ·;you can: nO't llknee coflcll!lde;"T:htt.'t tort a/~e:beil1on i::J fi;m:[>IJ, ·an!l in :;t felf, bett-e-r >then formal profe!/Jion. Chri:filloved the ·man for rhegood things :~hat we-re,in himfrom :hf!lyotJth, -and ·telleoh him, Thou 'e!r-t'~"om t'he Jf."ingdom of .qod: We 'l'tl3d 'Of;gr·eatf r (in;s, and mere ill' of.era'bt-e :~utlg-ment: CooaMoral Hea~hens may lbave ·a oo·oile; Jrlo'lt. ' 3· · Y;(]hi~Flt:l0tapply .t co,themwhofe ·l'are'of obeai– en~e uuniver[a.l, thou,gh thefuccefs be not anfwerabl~. Pfo,'I'I'9.. 6: Thirn jha/1 •'l not '.be a'jhalfJed, \\\?ben I hav·ereFjeCl toall1hy; not ·when 1 have obferwd, -but when I bwvft ref} ;El: G~acious hearts look_ to fill, wheR -t:'hey -cannO't acc-cmpliJh d"li'; r ~na· upo~1 ~ver}VlknowA•deFect aAd1failiug •ehc~ hufrible them– fd·ve-si ahd fe~ '111e·~Y: ·tc -&orb Fl0t~ €'xdMde them~ for ~nen· it would ·eKducf!J-aU: Euc whel'l litlenallow ana ·p1eafe rhemfelves in a . pJrtia'l obedience, wir!hout fore-care, pr~fo·nt-jf-l'ivinf' acd lll}ter– gri.f, they come•t1ndt'r c11e ·!'error of this lfem~nce. God ~iU dif· pmre w1fn' none, t:h_at-ca~ d-ifpenfe w~Ea • them'f~lve.sjri.a:ny :J;rnm-w~ 't(lliling;~ · 4· 'Y.ou •mttO:· n(}tlurg~ ! thisl f'fr-it€-Rc(l!:tti1'he •e:tbliuftrm of the -t" or;ijort'S ·of ·Ph~ '(f; flfj}f, ~llnd 1the rhopes •tfra 1 t we :have ~y ·~lie <g~ad: ·of God in.Chri~ ..: fdr ,ftlis femen'ce:i!'l ~fsfelf ~s'legal, the ~very ·ri– •gor·of the law-; <"and :fuch fayirogs 'breok t'he't'xceptions of Repent– -ance and Free-gn~te: for the rigor of -fhe -Law·can'Onely takeplace on chore tha>t:are under ~~he bend·of it, ~nd are not freea ~y Ghdfr. That this ·is the·voyc.e of theLaw, is plain, becaufe it confemerh witluhatfum and teoer of it, wliich ishya down , "!JJettt. ·i7. 26, Curfed ·u everJ ·o}')(e ft'h¥lt.contirmeth not ·in ·a'/l t-he Words ufthh·L~w ·to dri th( m : M rhey failed but ·in a .circu~fraflce, in -a C-eremony, 'they wtre uni\ter ~he 'power of the curfe. So theApofHe, (}at. 3. 1 o. A<J·many M car-e u·nd,·r theWork_s of the L-aw, are ur.– .der the ·curfe ·; for our(ed is ·he that continueth ·not in a!hbings ·~o do Phtm. Nuw Chrifi bath redeemed all thofe that have intereO: m bim'from this\curfe, by being (as the Apofile fairh there, 'Cierf.J 3·) . . made