Ca:A:P .t. upontheEpiflk()fJ A ME s. V.Ji R s. to. m*de ·~t curfcfor m: 'Sothanbere·is a reme<li1 mCl\rifl:tof'whicli we are 'pofieff~d by Fai~n af!ld . R-epei1tan(?e. And-letiit~ot feem &raq~e 'te any, ~hatT fay 1 the ({?ntt:noe is (.egalv; H~r many of that' "' nam~e are !here an~ •t4ler-e intel'mtxed-ana fcattere<i ,throughout the Gofpfl, 'b~canfe ·rn~y areof 'exc~lle.nt u(e an~ fervice fot G~fpelends and -purpofes: ::As-;t-o convp1cc'Hypocrttu, whofe obedRnce is:~lways -parti1al_; •nmi Po the grac~. r-_ev..ea;lerj i-n theGol .fpe•l; > an~ for 1 h·e gu~dtflnce and rtt~c,of Cbr_t{it~tns, :rnat·they may 1 ~nolwthe Whole wiUof ·God~ For thoughwe:are fre-ed from the J rigor ef clleLa,w, yNwe ought to -look to ·theWho/e rule, and, as muchas in us Heth, tolhive, p.l) rJrlcUHV Cv £vi, ,not to offend in one point;ttn!l-tittlc; -not tore1l: in ·cheir imperfections, but -to J1:rive a– ~infhl*m. hiltl:t aga:in revived this firi6lnefs, Mat. 5• 19. Whofo_evw:flJ-all brc.a/zone oftheft Commandments, and-teach men to Jo fo, ';/hflll 'be leaff ·in ·the Kingdom of (jod; •that :is, fha·ll PlOt be owned for a Gofpd- Mi1:1iller: 'Chrifi ·is chary of his ./-eafl S({fnt s and · leafl Commttnaments. Though there be a pardon of :courfe fm infir~ties andta1l·ing-s, yet net.abat'{ld any th-ing of the Rria:nersof the Law. Tthe Phariferes. thought t-'hat·fome Commandm-ents were !ittle,~nd arbit-rary; and therefore the Lawyer came to Chrifi, Mat•'J.z, 3·6. Mrfftcr, Which is the· grtat Come_ 1_ mantlm'Cnt ·in the Law-? , fis erne, fome duties-are -moreexcellent ; but ~be.qeellien was ·propoul'lded accordi~g t.o the ·minde of the Pharifces'·who accounted ou~.ward devotionary~~tl{simJfr.fil'lgutaitl} I and ·tlleit:own ·trk#!tiom ·weighry ·tliings )' noW !ne.b&m:~th :r-o (ec if C~r'i'fr~Jiked the .CHHrtibtltien. u. 5•' ¥ou muil ·A~t" tnJSf~n~eoce to ·pervert t'he or!Jer of the-c.\oinmandm(-nts '; ·'is if aman;·th'l com– mitting lfhefc, committed Adultery ; and. in commitriin_g A<iultel\}',. he comm;tted:Murtht.:r~ ~'fis notable the ApoJHe do~h ri0t1af<, He tranjgrej[eth lfl!l) but he isg11ilty ofall. T-he Fr~ce-p~s ,ar~tfi{)t tv·be taktt'l 'dif~'jun-5/lm., 'buc ·c'O-njannim_, aad compl~t-ivi.f not fi'tieral1 IJ, euc aPJ tr;get'-he~, as~they make 011e entire Law and Ru·te df;R4gh.. r-eonf~1efs: the contempt reBeeli.ngupon the W'hdle Law, w~en'cis wilfully v-iolated in oneplrt; as_, he t'hat wrongech tme member, w_:ong~ch ~he whole man, or body, ofwhich ~tis .a part. The 'tt:xt · bet~g·vmdlc~te-~, I fhall £urn up tohe ·whole Verfe into one Obfer– vatton; wh1ch ts: · · · . · That v~luntary and alluwed negleEls •of ~1'1) part of the LawObfervltt, mak,: mgutlf1 ofthe vioiP~.tiorJ of the wholt Lonll. Many Reafons 1 Mm 3 might