VB RS,IOo An Exp.ojition, 'With !Votes might be.urged to moJliGe.che lreeming :~rp~-;icy ;nd rig;r ohhe point ; as, pauly Qtc~ufe the contet_npr of the fome, authority is manifdl:ed in the l.>teach of Qne, as well a$ qf-all: All the Corn-· mands .are equal, in' regard of God ; they ar~ all ratified by the fame -authority; which man _comemneth, when he maketh his own Will the meafure of ob~dlellCC'. And partly qecaurethe fame curfe· is deferved, wbi~h, when FJegleCl:s are voluBtary, ~aketh place. Partly becaufe the Law is but one copulittion, like a chain which is diffol– ved by the loofening of one link. Partly becaufe all fin proceedeth 2 c,mtra tam from the fame corruption·: a The leaft fin is contrary to love, iu cbaritatem fa~ Well as the llaft drop of. water to fire. Partly becaufe amongfi men I cir, in qu~ pen- 'cis counted equal; one condition not obferved forfeiteth the dmt om~za. wbole .Leafe: And part~y oecaule one fincere duty'hat:h-mu,ch pro– Aug- epifb-9· mifed to it; and therefore one .fin bath irs proportionable guilt: Tme lo!Je is called a fulfilling ofthe whole Law,Ror~~.q.8. And,in Gods account, he that Jincertly rppenteth of one fin, repentethof an. And fo on the contrary, one allowed fin is virtuaUy aviolation of the whole Law; and therefore. when fome went to ga~her Manna on the Sabbath day, God faid, Exod. 16. z8. How long Will ye refufe tokfepmy Commandments, and m] Laws! imply– ing, That in the breach of that one>, they had broken all. There are many Uf~s of this Note: be~aufe they are of profit and Foncernment to you, in the right apt>lication of this place, I {h:dl·giveJhemyouintheirorder. ' ·, _'– i 1. · I~ fh~wech, ~ow tender we f.bould be of every_Command : Wilful violation amounte-ch to a tqtal negletl; Therefore (~s i\Vif~ dom advifeth, Prow]. z.). Keep 'JIJ Law as the apple of thine eye: The leaft dufi offmdeth the eye; and fo the Law is a tender thing, and foon wronged : Lefi you forfeit all you~ righteoufnefs at once~ ~cj~ goq_d to be carefuL , ~ 2. That,p(lrti{ll obedienc'f. is an argument ofinjincerity: When weneglea: duties, that either thwart carnal defires, or prejudice carnal concernmerits, we do not pleafe God, but our fdves : We l are ro walk in all GtJds Statutes, Luk.:_ 1. 6. Davidfulfilled, "H'r.iv1~ 7 d. ~"-nf-t.rt-1tt., all the Wills of God, Ail. 13. 22. · - 3· Th01t 'tis a VAin deceit to excufe defel1s of one duty by care ()f anoth-er. Sometimesmena·nte-date, fometimes they pojf-dt~te, an indulgence~ They ante-d~tte it, when they fin upon I prefump– tion they tball make amendsby Repentance; o_r that their future · · oood b