CHAP.l. good deeds $all be a fufficient expiation or fat'isfatlion : They poft1 d.tte it, when from duties already aohe, they take liberty or an oc– cafion to fin ~he more freely : E~ek:33.! 3•. If he truft to hfs righ– teoufnefs, 'and commit iniquity; that IS, If upon that occafion of righteoufnefs fo dorie,called or thoug~t to be fo in his apprehenfion, he fuaH adventure upon fin, the doom Js,he {hall dye the death. We fee many mens hearts grow io'ofe and vain after duties, and they are the more prefutJ1pruous and· cardefs out of a vain conceit, that fu. pererogating ih foine things will excufe obedience in others. '271 4• Th11.t -upon ttnj particular failing We ought tv re;-Jew our 1 peace 'With God:, I have done. t~at ·nowwhichwill makeme guilty of the w~oleo-t~W:''; : therefore Soul run to thr Advocate :" I {oh. . f'! c: l.,. ·z. r. Ifa-nfr»JI~'ftn, 'We ha11e an Adv~cateWtth the .F_d~h·er, Jefus Chrift the Righ"tcom. Oh; go to Chnfl:, that he may fue'out you-r pard on; your hea~'ts are not right with God, ifyou do not ufe this 'ourfe: afteh dayly tranfgreffions, fue out a dayly pardon. Jhe children ofGod are like founcains, when mud is fl:irred.up, theyd0 not leave till- ~h~y c~n get themfelves clear again·: Particular fins 1 mull have particular: applications of grace; for in themfelves, in their 9wn merit, thefleave you under a curfe : 'Iis·good to deprec~eic, as Daviddoth, Pf~l. 6. 1. 0 L9rd, rebuk.,c menot in thine. anger,&c. · - - 5· That'Wemu(fnot onlyr_egflrd theWork_ofduty, hut a!lthc 1 circum.flanccs of it ;..and· ro·proporcionably, no.t only the aCl:s of fin, . but the viei~us motions·'and-inclinations ·of it. One ·point is dangerous: The Phari(ees were for external duties, and the avoyding ofgrofs fins,but fecurelyallow~d chemfelves i~ fins more hidden, which yet are of3;;dangerous_confequ.ence: Malice is mur.ther ;and ]... ther:euponJoh;/~itb, 1 Joh-3-1 5. No m'urthcrerhath etennat life: And lull is ""adultery: a look;a glance; a thought, :i.deGre;. is in·it {elf • Mar. s, :~.8 ) , damnable,andbrooketh only the except-ion of the divjne grace. · ' 6. Thd-t forme_r profej]ionWill~ no gotfd, itt cafe there be · revolt afierwlflrd. Alittle poyfon in a cup, and one leak in a lhip, m~y ruiile all: Aman may ride right -for a long time, but one turn 1nthe end of the journey, m:ty bring-him quite out of ., th~way• . ~Gidcon had fevebry fons, and but oneibafiard, [email protected]~ th:at b:.lLt:trd * Iudges 8. _iz -dc{l,rored aU ~he refi: ~Tis _[aid~ B~cl~[9.1:o. · On~-:fin'l1·eniaJl:o); -eth much'goo~: · O~ce a ·fi~ner, all .ls loft; ,uh~ Ancmnt~ ·expound,·tt ~hat way : .So E.i.d?" 33. I 3-• :Att'hu rightc_'oufnefs"Jhv1llluforgot~ un.