Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

21~ · VaaSJ r. 4~E.xti{t:tt9.1f\..lfilk·No.tetJ. CaA.~·~• .tpJ..; thll!C ts;; ~l,t_wil~~G~ ~q n~ P,~rB<>f~;;;' As ehe Tt~s_q~ Qne cha~t;tpentttihan~ ~a-rr!J.eci in_EQ~ ~~~$fdar~q~~. ("::}re ,tp~i~ ·d~cies' wh6 apofiathe . · ' . .. · , 7• Tkaf t·hfl[rll<J lpc{s. offtn-is.a, poo.r. ([c· ~ - Mgra'Qa,– tiPA,r~~Oeii· th~!VHf (Yf(f{[e ·: "'fi~ the-~Q:Jo,re fad~fQ;tt tWt:1!}l(l},uld fran~ with G.Qs:i~f0.r!~ ~~ifle.; .LJ:t.,kJJ.,6;. '<'I:-. h.tbw9uld .Q~t giw~~. q 41:1~~/f,.aq~ t-his; 'MoQder(gU)rJ_qjfp.l!=_~ed. Go~ :; . he-qidaot tecejl{<;,a dnOf!: <;l9ds Jud,gmenJ:~_h$1Y~rlbeeo mq{};(re-m~dvabl~;. wli~.!Jq~ptr; _c;>;CC~UGH1 wa~ leaft : 4 d~.m w~§:<:~O: Qqt_or Para;dife f?r an.:if,pJ~. :· fo. 'ftl;_the-r:iYJg of flu,·kJ~ S~kath-d!lJ ~1 /qo)~fll: mto ·the, 4,;~, ~c; . Qods Com,.fiJmd .b.'.ij~M tn.kilh, tll~IJg§i. a~,w;e1l ~s.-gre~~t;';) (ho.ugh the • 1 Satn.I4·43 Qbj~ft ~· eiiff~~Ett.., tihc Gomman.d<i~fi;ijJ th,e .f~m<v• .1~!~.ff4d1~1f~ 4 -lit[J<: honeJ.(faitb 'foiul~ha.n) andl:~dyt• ;~~~.~ti\to.yo1l to go~ tQJti~n fQ~ ~rfmall roa.ttex_: i Qn~ofithe ~-ma~~-t~:ag$~v.atiA?n$ ! Amos 1 ,6. is, That th~y *r{old;the,righteo!M~for ·f$- pair of /he4e.!..r· Wouldy~a conteft wjchGG>d for-aJmall thin~apd o~ li.qj€ ~o.,n ~<tqpet:l.4:e.? as .'tis imprHdtn.ctJ, fo -'cjs Mnkitninefs. ; . ~ ~ ,; :. 1: , • _ - : ! •' J .I . ' • {- :j 4 Vrerf€ ·I h~ F.o.nhd th~ttf~id,: D,,i,~tJ-~ttlt.er1} ~. faU alf~ ])p 11-ot: k..ifl. Npw· if·tbpu., coTJJ.f»,it. a~ultery· ,_)ft , if tho[J. do not ki:ll, thQ!f tJ'fit 'kc.come-a..tranfgrej[or of the Law. . ' Here is,a.proof.of che:iment·o~~~dofnler :f~nt-enGe;, that .we. are not:toJoqk to. the mtJ.tter. ofi~hCJ. C:oWI?"'lt'1d;-bow~·it ~omplyeth with our defires and incerefrs, hut :to ·th~:: 0fl~bqrity @f t/{fJ.·giver -: He giveth an infranc.e in the fi"thJaod!feven.t.hCom_man~ment; God .that hath faid one, .hath faid both.; they. are:Pre~ept-s ..of thefame Law,and law-givel"'; and:therefordn the viol:uiqoofone,of. thefe ;;_.. L;r- . Laws the Authority ofth~La.w· ,_ ·. ' . v He thatfaid~ DoJt.o_t C~Qmrn# adt~ltery,J 'That is, ~hat thre~tned 'adultery with death,. Deut.. zz. az•.t&n:atned alfo.munber with d~ath, Le'Vit. 24. 17. ,and ~e~t.19; 13• apd the .Apofrle ufeth that phrafe,He tha.t,fajd, as allttdtn.g to~thePretace of.the:Law: E~od• • ~_o.·,x.. GodJP~IMall.thefe ,w.ords,Jaying :. He.infianceth in.fuch fins iE .8 ~:.J;sL·JI * hs.are notanlyt<iigefied ·intothefurn,ot theMoral .Law,but are more · · direClly againfl the light .of the natpre, that fo his Argument mighc b€ _the,mG>re ,-fioo.og and {enfible j which is to benoted, leR we Lhopld think, th~t only an uniformityDf pb~~~~~e !s requiredh ~o t 0~~