Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

upontheEpifUeof JAMBs. Vut s.u. thofe precepts that forbid fins openly grofs and hainous. , Out of thefe words dbferve : , ~ y, That we muft nDt fo much dijpute the m11tter oftheCommanJ, Ol{erv"t"x.r M theWill ofthe L11w-giver• •He proveth, That the wholct Law had an equal Obligation upon the Confcience, becaufe he that faid the one, fa id the other : *Gods Will .u motive enough to Obe- *• Pet.J..t f . tlience. Every fin is·an affront toGods Soveraigntj, as if his Wil11 Ther.f. tS.} were not reafon enough; and tohis Wifdom, as ifhe did not know 1 Thcf,4.~ · what were good for men; and tohu {uftice, ,as ifthe waysofGod were unequal. When your hearts fiick at any duty, lhame your felves with chefe Confiderati.ons : 'Tis a tryal offmcerity; then duty is well done, when 'cis done.intuitu volunt11tu, with a bare fight of Gods Will: And 'cisamotive to* Univerfal Obedience; this •dA quate~ d ' · d ·11 h d · d · · · d b he r. a omne 'tJtUCt u.tY 1s reqt11re as we as ot er Utles, an mJoyne y t 1ame confequeRti 11 • wlll. . , 2. Duties andfins are offever~tlkitzds, according to the feveral Ob[ervat. l · Laws ofGod: Man bath feveral affetl:ionsj every on~ moO: have a fpecial Law ; he bath feyeral dfential parts, God giveth Laws to both; he is difpofed to feveral providences,which needethadifrintl: rule ; he is under feveral rdations and obligations to God, which call for duties ofadifferent nature and refped. Well then, be not contented, with Herod, .to he~tr m.anJ things, gladly to praetife fo~ewhat: He that you to pray, ·calleth you to hear, to re• deem ti111e for meditation, and other holy purpofes. All Coqimands are equally commanded,and mufr be equally obferved : Ana be not fecure, though you be not guilty of fuch fins as are reproved in others; Other dt{e~tfes are mortal bejides the plague: Though you are not for the Farm, you may be for the Merchandi&e: ' Though thou art not a thiefor whore, yet thou mayfi be covetous and worldly. There is)as Hippocrates faid, ,N-,M {, a double madnefs, a fober madnefs, as well as a trying : You may be det~d i14 fins~ though not diffo!ute; and though the life may be gravelyor-' dered, yet the heart may be averfe from God : ThePharifee could fay, 1 am no adulterer• but he could cot fay, I ~tm not proHj/,l~tm 1!~1fo/f·f~nfide'!t~ , . · Nn Verfe ··'