,An Expoftti.on, with Notes ' ( :Verfe u. SoJPeak..fe, andfo dO', a& tbey:that foall be jadged bJ · the Luwof Liberty. ' . Out of the whole Dif'Cotrr{e he inferred'i a tt2afonabie Exhorta.. · tion, That they wouldorder their fpl:ethes;and atl:ions fo, aS'to en:. d~lt'e the tefhndt~yalof the Law, efpeciaU~ ~f.f'.the matter ofimpart tal re!peEls;bedufecommanded by an impartial/ Law : The tea• fon of it lyeth thus; Thofe that ·would be judgedby the Law, lhouldnot omit the ·JtZafi part of_ it : Bu~ you .di:f1re to be judged: by the MoralLaw, evan t eli«d or ma~'tr:a. !LI'tw ofLiber·t)'; in. which term he kinteth rliere-inforceme:M-.of- th~'\1l'uttes of theLaw of.ldofl:S in the'GJ.jpe/·, ' Whlchfdo'Eh 'as '@.~acl:ly tequire-:acare in our . fpeeches and a•el:ions, as the LtiW ; · ~dr -though Believers be fteed' from the t error of the Law, yet not from the obedience of it; yea, tf :h~y continue inany know~ ami .aUow_edneglects, they lofc their ·prrv.tlfdg. and 'are not jt1dgoo·Efy o/ Latv ofLi'berty, but ·fall.utider rhe tttmofi rigour and fevedty:oftHe feb,~ace fore-ment!one~·· - · So jp_ea/ZJ,_r ,andf-o do,] Ht'joynecli :t~~marrer hinred in tae clbfe of the former ~hapter ·con~erCimg [pc ec h,verf.17. and the matter of the prefent Chapter aem~erniog itnp.lrtial rcfJ·eas toge~her; ·and faith~ SqJflea~1 -· 'as r..elat,ing to thofe-dire~io~s; {~do, ~s relating tb– t·he!pref~t.Jt_ ca(e}' ·a._t1&!iffie rr.atlier i .cb~tatlf(i not only-~jClio~ ·bm-t ' .Jtvibhe.t4afFdH~erl*:Judgmetllt!of;Go~aod)tht1I1aW. . ,, .;~':., rr -"' · . f1Pthej tndt foaW !fe ·J~ged-J ,8()fne1'ead,··A'JtthfJ[e \tliMW;lt judg, as applying it to the ·di~ect Q:onte~t; ·and·they make·out the• fence thus i In the OLd Tdlamett ·differences of perfons were notl fo expreOy'rorbidden ; _btlt now, as· diff~re!1ces of Natidn, fo o[ rel-ation, '"are r:ak-efl 'a't\iay by the l!:aw of Liber-ty··::_Eon~. an'd free d:rc d!l one in' c hri{f' Gal.3. 2 8. an,d thereforeyou are to JUclgWith.. out any refpe~ 'df ,perfons-: Bur this fe'emeth more ~rgute.tnenfo- ' Itd. '"Iis better· to keepour own reading, as thole that jhall be judgtd, that is~ eithh inconfdwce::here, or uuher a the Tribunalof God hertafter. · · ; · · · · , . By the LawofLiber0'.] Tne fame exprt:ffion .is ufed in.the 15 Verfe of the former Chapter ; But what is the force of it here? the lowefi reafon may be, becau[e their obfervance or rich men was fe~vil~,. ~nd the La~ commandeth nobler and freer r~fpc.~s, m~re fttpattte frombafe atms, and fulf-advantage ~ Or elfe mthiSexpref- . - ·-- . ... ·- ... -- -· . - - . . !ion: