Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

- ----~-------------~--------~~~------ CaAP.l. upol(the Epiftle qf JAM E s. fwn ~he . ApotU~ GIJ\Y.. ~n~i~ipa~e ~m Objetliqp, w.hkq ·!flight be 'framed agamll the rigour qt .tJ:~ . former fm~oce:; .they ,~gbt ['lie– tend they~p~d .an ex;emp~i~~ by Chrift: The A~ofHegranteth ~here .was aliberty, but not a !tcen(e; for. fbll there lS aLaw, though to the Eletl: aL{l,w of-ftiberty; bu:r, fatth he, fee that your mterefi be good; to wicked men 'cis f11ll abon~age, a~d, ~n hard yoke; there~ : fore w~l< fo, "}hac you tTJay not:P.e·IJldgcd ,tr;J ~. leg_tf/;\v~ty, fo.r then the leafi f;ti~ing maketh you obno~ii.)Us;to the curf~-; wh(ch rigour, ifyou wou\d I)Qt un~e~gQ, fee tl,lj\:~yo~ wal~ fQ, that Y,Oll.may gi~e evidence that you are cot-pe und13r ,the banner if" love, .and the pn– viledges of the Gofpel, and then when you come ~o be judged, you will be juqg~d uppn Gofpel terms; 'ptherwife tl~ereis no liberty o.rfreedbm for at:Jy that allow thernfelve~in the Ieaft brea~h or vo– luntary negle~, ·nothing ~o be ~l'p::?ted bqt judgment Without mercy. . . · .· , . · From this Verfe I obbve: 1. That. th-e Law in the hand.r of Chrift u a Lawof Lt'berty. Ob[e'rvat, I. 1. 'Tisa .Ltw; . I Cor.9.zr.I am not ~vop.&,.V..'ithout the La·rv, ' but 'ivvop:&,under. the to Chrift: is a;of<!,- though not anunfujportable burthen; though ·there be not rigottr, yet there is arule llill. 'fisdireilive; He hvtth jbemed thee,O man, what is good,Mic.6.8.Theacceptable Will ofGod is difcovered in the law of ten Words,and the moral part of the Scripture is but a Commen.· tary upon it. And 'cisalfo imperati·ue, 'cis not arbit.rary to ~s whe. ther we will obey or no; Laws are Qbliging: the Will of the Cre:a~ tor being fignified to us in the Law, we are under the commandin~ power ofic: Things moral and juft are perpetualiy qbliging; /? 7. I 2. The Law u holy, and the Comm.1ndment holy,jujt and (J'Ood: ·ru holy, it difcovereth true firitl:nefs ·; 'tu juft or fuitable t;r,hofe common notices of r~ght and tquity which are imprdli:d upon the creature; and 'tu good, that is,profitable,u[eful for man: All which things infer a perpecu,tl obligation; and if the Law wete 11ot ob– ~iging,there cou.ld be no fin ; for where there is no obligation,thc:re 15 QO tran(greffion : I {oh. 3r4• Whofoever cornmitteth fin, tranfgrefeth the Law ;,for fin u the tran[gfeffion of the L..1.w. Now natt;tral confcience would foon be offended at that dotlrine that ·fuould. make murther, incefi or adultery no fins; and ther~- fo~e 't1s but the vain conceit of prophane men in thefe times to thmk ~~at t~e Gofpe~ freeth us from the obligationof the Law, ---- ·- Nn ~ --- - - be·