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2.']6 VJJU.Ii. A~t Expo/itio11, withNotll CHAP·2·. becau(e itfreeth ns from the curfe of it, for then all duty would be will-wodhip, and fin but afond conceit. _ z. "Tis a Law1[ Liherty ; for there is agreat deal of freedom purchafed by ChriR : We are freed from the Law, as a Covenant ofWorks; we are not abfolutely bound to fuch rigour and exaCl:– nefs as that required ; life and glory is not offered upon fuch firit't terms.: We ought to aimat exactnefs of obedience, but not to defpair, if we cannot reach it: We are {o far to eyeperfefl obe– dietJce, as if it were fiill the matter of our Junification ; IU to be hu'lllbitd for defeEls: A gr~cio111 he~rt cann1t offend 11 good God 'WithoHt.grief. Sin is fiill damning in its own nature, fiill a viola– tion of a righteoas Law, fiill an affront to God : Nay, there are newArgHmems of Humiliation, as finning againfl: Gods love and kindn@fs,. the forfeiting of our aClulll fruition of the comforts of the Covenant, though not our right in it, &c. And as to behum– Medfor ow defe£ls, fo to lu IU earneft in our endeavors: Yon have more reafon to be• flria, becaufe you have more help; Lex juvet, gratia juvat: We have more advantages, and there- . fore we lhou!d have more care of duty: Philip. 3.1 1. I pre{s on, that if it be pojfible I ma] attain the RefurreUionfrom the dead; that is, the holinefs of that tlate. AChrifiians a£lions are much bel"w his aims ~ They have no grace that can becontent with a little grace. So that you (ee we ought to look to tbe Laws s:tmoff, though we be not judged by the L11ws rigour:– ·ings not allowed are p1rdoned , and weaknetfes pan by ; the obedience required of us being not that of fervants, but chil– dren: Mal. ;. I 7. I Will JParethem, 111 a man fP"reth hi! only [~. . 2. We are freed from the Curfe and Condemnation : The ·Lawmaycondemn the AElson.s, it cannot cond~mn the Perfon; it judgeth ACtions according to their quality, but ic hath no power river the Perfon. So we are faid to be de~d to the Law, G11lat. z.. r9· and the Law to m, Galat. 4· 6. and therefore the Apofile faith, ~Jii.v x~1dx.flltct, Thert u not one Condemna– tion to them that are in Chriff, Rom. 8. r. "The Curfe .may be propofed to ·a Beleever, but it cannot take hold 'Of a lkleever: Not onlj _Colts 2 bHt Horfes already .broksn, need 11 · hridle. · · 3· We aro freed from t·he Curfe 30d Irritation of the Law: · ·- - - - · ·· -·- ··· - ·- · ·· · - ·- ---· -· -- - ·