CHAP.2. upon the Epiflle of J A M I s. VERS.I2. Rom. 1· Sin took._ occ~tfton from the Commtmdment, Carnal 'T hearts grow worfe for a reflraint ;. as waters fwell and rage~ r when the courfe is!lopped : l'he very prohibition is an occafional provocation.; buttd a gracious ·heart~tis motive enough·to aduty, becaufeGod Willcth it. . . 4· We are freed from Bend~e and Terrors : By natural men Duties are_done fervilly , and out of flavilh Principles : ·we have not receivd the JPirit of bondAgt again unto fear, Romttns 8. Verf. 15. The great Principle in the Old Tdlamenr, when the Difpenfation was more Legal, was Fear; ThereI fore ~tis faid, The fear of God u the beginning of JPifdo~tZJ, Proverbs 9· And the whole ·dHty of man u to fear God, and kfep -his Commandments,. Ecc/ejiaftes I%. Verf. I 3· Fe14r is reprefented as· the great Principle of Duty and Worlbip in the Old · Te!lamenc, as fuitable to that Difpenfation: But in a~ Cor. ~· 14 the New we read, a That Love Con/lrai'Ncth; That b L9ve b • Joh. S• :., k!epeth _the C 0 M M A -N D ME N T S. To the old "c. World God more difcovered His Will, to Us Hu Gr~Jce; and therefore our great Conftraint is, to arife . from L0ve and Sweetnefs. · It theweth us the Happinefs· of thofc which.: are in 'Chrifl:: Vfe. The Law to a Beleever is a Law "f Libtrt] ; to a·nocher 'cis the of Bondage and : We may ferve him Withou~ fear, Luk._. I. )7· that isj withou~ Oavilh.fear. - Beafis are urge<! ' 1 with goads ., and ·things without life baled.· with . Cart·ropes; but Chrifiians are }.ed by fantl:ified atfedions; motives of grace, ~nd confiderations of gratitude. Oh look eo your felves then, whether you be in Chrifr, or no. How· fwett is this, when we are free . for Rightepufnefs? Qnd ·.do not complain of the Commandment, but of Sin! and the TranfgreJlion is · looke~ upon as ·a 'Bortd11ge , . rather then Duty ,? The . f.zmt Ap(ls1Je that groaned under the Body af Death., deJighteeLin the J;.aw Df the L 0 R D in the inward man, .Romans 7• Gods Re– _flrn.ints are not. a.Bondage, but our own CorruptiQns.. And again, How fweet is this, when the · C 0 M M A N D giveth us a W A R R ANT., and. L 0 Y, E a ·M 0 T I YE! and we can come before G 0 D ·as Children-, not as ·Hirt• J . ? . mgs . . . . ~~ '[,h11t wejh~Jil bt juaged /;y the Lawat the · lafl DIIJ· See O!J(erv~ i~ - Nn3 ·