Vn RS.-t£. AnE~-cpojition, 'WithNotes _Rom. '2.. 1.2':,· As m::t'4) ·M h.~v.eji~~d in .the Law,fbttlt bejudgcd b]' ·the Law. The Apo!lles dnfc IS to prove, .that all men out of Chrifi: .are under a condemnation, whether they had aLliiwpro– .mu!ged, or aLaw inb,-ed; aLaw written in Tables of fione tU the Jews; or in Tables of the heart, M the Gentiles. All' are ( 4udged according to th_e declarations of his Will, that God hath ·· "!'_ 3 •ult •made to them. They that ha11e Gofpel, by Gofpel, or * 1 he Law I of FjjitiJ. .. roh. I 2. 48· The Words that I have fPok.en, /halt judg them 'at the last day... They .that have onely the La-w of Nature, by the Law natural: They that had the Law \Vricten, by the Lal111 of T ablN : Beleevers, by the Law of Liherry : Chrifis Obedi– ence fhall be put upon ooeir. ft:;ore : \However their aCl:ions arc .... ~ .. '• ~rougbt t~ be fcanne~ b~ ~ L~\;V, and • R~te~ .their Faith tball be ;~dg'ed and approved ey.thetr Works·; Which though they be Qot the · Cttufes of Glory, l yet they are the·Evidences: as Motion is not the caufe of Life, but the dfeCl: and token of it. That Works are brought into Judgment, appeareth by that Scheam, Mat. 2.). 35. So Revel. 20. 12. The· Book!. Were opened, and every. man wtt-J· judged llcoording ·to hfi, Wo,.kf•. The·Judg of the world will ·fhew that he cloth rightly : The works of the wicked are produced as tbe.merit of their ·mine ; the •works ofthe godly as evidencesof glory: and therefore· the Apofile, when he fpeaketh of the procefs of God with the godly and wicked, he noteth the .reward and the te.compence of the adifferent termand phrafe: Rom. 6. ?.'j.-. The 'Wages of ·jin $s de~tth, but the gift of God is eternal life. T.he worksofthe wicked are produced to thew the equity of their .wiges<;, the works of the godly, to declare.their interefi in hisgift. Well then, If the-Law·be the rule of Judgment then, let it oe fo now : If your confidence will not !land before the Word, it will not fl:and before Chrifi: at his appearing : We might antk:ipate and pr-evc:nt the fentence of th_at day, if we would go to the.Law and to the TefHmony. This is ufual in experience, That pcrfons the ·more igmrant, the more ,pre.fuming : and men that contemn -and negletl: the means of Grace, have highefi hopes; the reafon is, be– caufe they cherifh a confidencewhich the Word would foon con• · fute;. and therefore,out ofa fe(ret confcioufnefs of their ownguilt, fhurfthat way ofrryal :·Tli4J oome>nfJt to the light, left their deeds fhould be reproved, Job. 3• 20. Oh ! if youdare not fiand before ~ the Wqt'd ~ow, as :tis ·open!d bJ a!J!inifhr; wh~t wi~l youhdo y; en