upon tl:Je Epifllt of J A M 1! s. VE R 5.!2. when ~tis 6pened hyChrift ,? Therefore wh_en the \Vord reproverh, regard it with all reverence, and fear : Thu Word jud,geth me now, · and"tw.ilt judg me at the laff d~r. Many fret at the light: & the Ethiopians once ayear (olemnlycurfe the Sun. Oh but how will ' they gnafh the teeth when thisWord iliall be brought againit them at the coming of Chrifi in the clouds ?, Again, Ifwe fhatl be judged according to the meafure of light and knowledg that we have of the Law,ir pre!Ieth us to bring forth fruits anfwerable to the difpenfation of God. ·ris fad to put fin– ger in natures eye,much more to grow black andwanzy in the Sun– fhim~ of the Gofpel : As God looketh to the rule, fo to our pro– portions and meafures of light: If 1haa not jpflk._en to them, they hadhad nofin,faith Chriit; that is, no fuch fin,not that kind offin, not fo much offin. Gentiles fhall anfwer for tbtir knowledg, and we according to our proportions. In fins of knowledg chere is more offin; for according to the fenfe that we have of the Law forbidding,fo is Gn increafe<l; and there ismor1 ofmalice; there.. · ,fore Apofbtes, who have moftknowledgof che truth, ate (as Ar:.. nobim faith) Maximi ofores fui ordinis, the greatest enemieJ tfi. their own order and profeJlion ; and fuitablc the flcophet Hof.5. 2. The Revolters are profound to ma~e (faughter. Certainly there is , more u1f<Jndnefs to God. wh~nwe fin againl1adirect fight and inw tui~ion 0fhis will; 'ariu therefore David a'ggravate.th '11is adulterY, becaufe 'e\'Jas committed after Gfld hadmddr: him to f(now \~~(dofll tn the inwardl:part, Pjal.5 r<6. which certainly is-the it'ltem: of t:h'e flebrew text .there, though we read fomewhat otherwife inMt tranOation. , "ris fad, that after the Law is written upon the heart, , tt il)~:mfd be 't'fanfgre{fed ; in fucb aas thefe IS a kind of ·vioJ.en,ce . · bfft!ed.to 'Cnelpriheiples 'at;d fugget:Hons of our ownboforn. . • _ . " ~ 3· ~Tu-a· grt~t h~lp to' our Chriftian tourfe. to thinlcof the day 0/Jforvat. ·3· . '()f ]udgtnr:n't. 'fhey bdl: prepare themfdves tothe fpi litual bauef, that always hear the found of that days irump ~ Do not think ,cis ·again.fi thelibertyof the Gofpel to think of the{e fe_vere accour1ts, 'or a calk onlytfor Novices; ''cis uteful for ,the chikirc:;n of , God~- :t~ou~t\ ~~y ate~eliyered.fto:h' ~h~ tigour' of that ~ay;· ~t they , ought-lhll to refleCt upontt wtth rtverence. I confefs there ate ~othefervil~"rq:Z.cflionJwhich ~egetnothingbut torment arld bon;. tiage m the fptnt; thefe will not bt:eotbe ·the childrenof God: ~c Ai~ ~n hof.J ~WC and reverence is necdlary ; yoU' will find ft: of